
Separation of a Mixture Containing Calcium Carbonate and Naphthalene

Decent Essays

Thursday 9/29/11 3:00pm Michaela Howard Partner: Craig Delancy

Separation of a Mixture Containing Calcium Carbonate and Naphthalene

Finding a method to successfully separate a mixture of calcium carbonate and naphthalene.

Properties to be considered: Calcium Carbonate Naphthalene Solubility in water slightly insoluble Solubility in ethanol insoluble partially Melting point 825 degrees C 80.2 degrees C Boiling point decomposes 218 degrees C

Subliming the mixture seemed to be the most practical solution due to the information given in lab by the instructor of the calcium carbonate and the naphthalene. Their properties of solubility with water or ethanol was either …show more content…

Once subliming took place, the naphthalene crystals started to form directly on the bottom of the watch glass instead of the sides of the beaker, which was the indication that the beaker was the correct size. Once the mixture was completely separated and the beaker cooled off to room temperature; the beaker and watch glass was scraped for the remaining residue, and after which they were weighed.

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