
Sermon On The Beatitudes

Decent Essays

You know, Jesus loved the multitudes, you read that over and over again in the Gospels—Matthew 9:36, When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion on them. Matthew 14:14, When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sick. When he saw the crowds He healed them, He fed them, He drove out demons—Jesus was always ministering to the crowds. Jesus loved them all.
Jesus instructed His disciples when He gave this Sermon, but the crowds were there and He preached to them as well. He wanted them to recognize they were sinners and were in need of a Savior. He wanted them to realize the Kingdom of God was at hand and for them to repent and believe in Him.
Jesus preaches to bring the people to an awareness of how far short …show more content…

And in verse 2 we have the content of what Jesus said.
The Content
And opening His mouth He began to teach them, saying, (5:2)
And Jesus gives us the greatest sermon that was ever preached.
Next week we will begin the Sermon on the Mount with what is commonly referred to as the Beatitudes—or blessedness—or happiness. To live by the standards Jesus gives to us in this Sermon is to live a life of happiness. Do you want true happiness, true joy, true peace, true contentment? Then let us hear from the mouth of Jesus, let us learn from Him, and if we truly seek to obey Him, and follow Him, we will truly be blessed.
Jesus calls us to a new way of living, a radical departure from the world. Are you ready and willing to live a life that is characterized by the kingdom? I know the world pulls us back in time and time again, we become conformed to the world, and are pulled in by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
Let us not live according to worldly standards, but let us live like citizens of the kingdom so that we may reflect the life of Christ and be a faithful child of God and loyal to our King—the Lord Jesus

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