The student I chose to follow for a shadow study is a junior girl who has been very open in class about expressing her opinion. The student is in my cooperating teacher’s Basic Geometry class during second block. I picked this particular student because my cooperating teacher told me a story about how last year this student yelled at a substitute teacher while he was absent and walked out of class. Also, I have seen how this student interacts with her peers in my cooperating teacher’s classroom. I found it interesting to see how the other teachers work with her. This will give me an insight on how to structure the class when I teach. I also have this student’s younger sister in Algebra I. She is a freshman, and I never would have guessed that they were sisters until she told me. The schedule is a block schedule, so each class is ninety minutes except seminar at the end of the day, which is thirty minutes. Since seminar is a study hall, I decided not to shadow her during that class.
I attempted to shadow this student on a white day because she has my cooperating teacher’s class. I showed up to the student’s first block on Tuesday. The teacher informed me that the student usually shows up early to class, but neither of us had seen her. When the bell rang, I decided to stay and see if she showed up. I was informed that she was marked absent. That day in Communications, the students were to have a reading day, which means that the whole ninety-minute class the students were to
In the beginning of the book, Night, Elie started out as a free man. Life was peaceful and great, he had no worry in the world. The book explains one of Elie and his family's day;
William Shakespeare once said, “Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall”. In the same way, people who go through life-changing events will either be overthrown by the world’s sin, or they will overcome it like a militia conquering another country. For example, in the book Night by Elie Wiesel, he states, “But now, I no longer pleaded for anything. I was no longer able to lament. On the contrary, I felt very strong. I was the accuser, God the accused. My eyes had opened and I was alone, terribly alone in a world without God, without man. I was nothing but ashes now, but I felt myself to be stronger than this Almighty to whom my life had been bound for so long…” (68). Henceforth, throughout the book Night, the main character, Elie, is changed drastically by his near-death experiences in Auschwitz.
I have shadowed two physicians during my pre-medical years. These experiences have significantly shaped the type of physician I want to be in the future. Not in the sense of a medical specialty, but rather in the sense of demonstrating a clear compassion and understanding for my patients.
The student that I have selected for my writing case study is a third grade student from Ms. Wytaske classroom, her pseudonymous name is Kim. She is an eight year olds Hispanic girl who comes to resource to receive additional special education services for ELA and mathematics. She also revives speech therapy and physical therapy. Last school year she missed a lot of school days, however, so far this semester she shows up to the school most of the time. She has a little brother who just enrolled in Griffith Elementary School in kindergarten grade. During school day, whenever she falls asleep or misbehaves in her classroom, such as makes noise or not follows directions at all, then her teacher, Ms. Wytaske, would send her to the resource classroom
My shadowing experience this summer has taught me so many new things about physical therapy. It has allowed me to observe the practice and make sense of the new information I have learned. Although therapy has not changed, the lenses through which I view it have. I no longer see a patient performing arbitrary exercises, I see muscles moving in specific patterns. I no longer see a passive stretch being performed, I see soft tissues, ligaments, and capsules being mobilized. I no longer see a diagnosis that receives that same treatment, I see a person that is struggling with an issue and passionate people willing to help through genuine care. I Had my first observation at The Medical Arts Research Center(MARC), an outpatient physical therapy facility in San Antonio. There, I observed 9 patients with musculoskeletal conditions. These included 8 adults and 1 pediatric. The second clinic was Peak Physical Therapy, an outpatient physical therapy clinic in Wylie, Texas. There I saw 8 patients with musculoskeletal conditions including 6 adults and 2 pediatric. During these observations, I saw many components of physical therapy practice. The last place I shadowed was Warm Springs Rehab Hospital of San Antonio. I observed in the post-acute medical facility in which we saw 7 patients with neuromuscular conditions, including 5 adults and 2 pediatric.
Needing to help them pass notes hoping that you won't get caught by teachers.. Jacqueline and Talia just couldn't stop passing notes, everywhere, anything, even at PE class. Once they even tried to throw the notebook and instead of succeeding, the notebook ended up hitting my foot. It's crazy how even then the teachers still had no idea that there are student passing notes in class. In our class heidi and sarah doesn't exactly have the best history, they would often be late to class just because they wanted to go to Hi-life. Once in CSS class they were late for 20 min because they wanted to go to hi-life, so the teacher locked the door, she was only expecting them to stay outside for 5 min so they could finish the food they bought but instead of staying outside they decided to leave. They started running around campus and hiding in bathrooms or dorms. When the teacher found out that they weren't outside the teacher informed the office, therefore the office started making phone calls to the security offices and taking out the cctv history to search for them. Jacqueline and Talia knew the teachers were finding them so they decided to find a place to hid. This continued after school, after that I have know idea what happened., but like i said they don't exactly have the best record with the
The classroom being observed is a 4th grade class at PS 131 in Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn. There is no special need students in the class, and most of the students are on track with their age, only couple students are a little bit behind. The class consists of 28 students and only one teacher. The class is diverse but mostly are Hispanic and Asian students. The teacher named Ms. Acevedo. She is nice and her teaching style is authoritative, so the students are well behaved in the class and they get along well with the teacher.
Upon completion of the first log check, there is a multitude of aspect to be reflected upon and discuss regarding my senior project. Not only have I begun the job shadowing process as planned, but I have learned a plethora of new informative facts about the chosen career pathway. However, with the accomplishment come the disappointments and failures. However, I plan on continuing to shadow and to learn as much information as I can about orthodontal assistance no matter how challenging it may be.
On Wednesday, March 16, I had the opportunity of job shadowing multiple departments of the Customer Communications group of Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS). For the first part of the day, I spent most of my time meeting advertisers, designers, and writers of the department and attended creative meetings. The manager of the department was Mrs. Dianne Eysink who has been working at BCBS for the past twenty-five years in public relations. After lunch, I went to Digital FX, a production company, and met those in charge of editing and creating commercials for BCBS.
When I first started experimenting with shadows I did not include a person as the subject. In order to add a personal and emotional element to my photos I decided to include a model. In concentration #1, I used a model and I wanted to create a unique shadow on her so I used a sushi roller mat which created the lines on her face. After this piece I realized I enjoy reflecting unique things on people so I continued with that strategy. Through this concentration process I tried multiple techniques in order to combine a person, shadow and reflection. With concentration #10, I tried to do something different and create my own reflection. I photoshopped trees onto the model’s arm. I thought this related to my concentration because it looked as if
This semester I learned a lot about writing in English 151. It has been a roller coaster ride with these essays for me this semester. I learned step by step how to write a good essay and how to have your readers be engaged in what you’re trying to tell them. Each essay I did has taught me something valuable I can take to the next level of English. I feel as if as the semester went by I did not take my writing that seriously and that reflected in my grades I received in each essay. It made me a better student and writer and it will reflect next semester. In this essay, I will reflect on what I learned throughout this semester that you should apply in your writing when you begin English 151.
During the era of the Holocaust, racial tension grew; Jewish people were persecuted and forced to go to concentration camps. Discrimination against the Jewish became a problem throughout Europe. There were other groups that were also mistreated, for instance: disabled people and slavic people. The novel, Night, written by Elie Wiesel is based on true events as experienced through the personal lense of the author.
As we begin to wrap up this semester, I reflect on all the learning and achievements I have obtained thus far in the program. Throughout this semester, my communication and relational capacity has grown, driving me to break out of my comfort shell. At the beginning of this year I had wrote a letter to myself, outlining three goals that I wanted to achieve. The three goals were: work with a palliative client, become more assertive, and to integrate family care into my practice. I began the semester off in acute care, on the medical floor. During the second part of the semester, I was assigned to be in the first group of students to start the Trail Outreach Nursing. My new placement has created a new goal of increasing my communication
Within this essay I will be concentrating on explaining how an individual can implement reflection in their learning experiences. Applying skills of reflection to a particular learning experience such as induction week will be the main focus of this essay as it will convey the importance of reflecting upon the experience of working with other students.
What you know and believe in can change at any moment. We see a first hand account of this in the book Night. Everyday we see the jews face the horrors of the Buna work camp, as a result of this we see most people change their ethics. As fight or flight instincts kick in, people abandon their family and friends to survive. Elie fights an internal battle to keep his father alive and strong during these tragedies. As others around him give in to the cruel punishment, Elie himself wants to drift towards the darkness. When people are faced with such cruel punishment everyone changes to some extent. For some the change is instant but for most the process of breaking their will is extensive.