When you eat your meat, do you take time to think of the animal that was killed? Most people don’t do, but who said humans were important enough to harm living creatures? Shark fin soup is a popular meal because of the tradition that has been going on with it. The tradition should be banned considering it has done more damage than the pleasure it brought.
First of all, we don’t know how the sharks are treated. The animals are finned, which means that some of their body parts are removed. Some of their body parts are being cut, including the cartilaginous dorsal, pectoral and caudal fins. The worst part is, it happens whether they are dead or ALIVE. Do you realize how crazy this is? How painful do you think it would be if your arms were being
The article “Saving The Great White Monster” describes the alarming concerns about the cause and effect relationship about the rapid killing of the shark population. Shark fins are in more demand and there has been an increase in shark killings. The shark population is rapidly decreasing. More awareness is now being brought to this heartbreaking issue.
b) Sharks try so hard to become unhooked that they end up suffocating themselves. Most of time the long lining is not meant to catch sharks but other species, and so then the Sharks are just thrown back to ocean as a waste. This process is call bycatch.
Sharks are being harvested in an irresponsible and unsustainable way. Many species of shark could go extinct within our lifetime. Overfishing has caused a dramatic decline of 90% for shark populations worldwide and up to a 99% decline on the US East Coast. (Jha, 2008) This issue is
Do you love sharks? Did you know that they have their own week called Shark Week?
To this day, many of us still see them this way. In fact, coastal states stared to host shark culling events. In these sometime month-long events, a state government will pay any fishermen to bring in a freshly killed shark generous amounts of money. Peter Benchley, the author of "Jaws" doesn't support shark culling, he in fact helped raise awareness about sharks becoming endangered. He wrote articles about how misunderstood sharks are (Benchley, Peter). This is now illegal in the United States, but is still practiced in countries such as Japan and Australia. Even in those countries, shark culling is on its way out. But
Humans are just like sharks. Humans eat meat they have live babies and sharks make mistakes just like humans. Sharks are very interesting creatures but people don’t give them a chance because people make them sound like they are terrible beasts. Many people are more likely to get killed by a car crash then by a shark. If people keep killing sharks for fins there will be no more sharks.
Media is an essential part of my life. It informs me, influences me, and inspires me. Media provides entertainment, creativity, and knowledge. My experience with media has been very positive. It’s very rare that media doesn’t have a say in my decisions, anywhere from what brand to get or what I’m going to eat next. The way that media has changed my life the most however, is through Shark Week. Shark Week is a weeklong event where once a year the Discovery Channel only plays shows about the newest, biggest, most unusual sharks found.
Whenever you go to the Fish and Chips shop, have you heard about “Flake”? Flakes are a type of shark. They have been killed just for us to eat. The price of them are also increasing. At least 100 million sharks are killed every year. In Eastern parts of Asia, Sharks were being culled for shark fin soup. Dragging out the sharks out of the ocean and cutting off their fins and throwing their dead body back into the ocean is unacceptable. How would you feel if we were dragged out of our home by a random person, got our arm cut off and got put back into our home again? I’m sure that we would all be horrified and terrified by this. It is said that Shark Fin Soup costs around $100 per bowl of soup. There are also some countries that have completely banned shark culling. They are Israel, Ecuador, Mexico, Egypt, Indonesia, Fiji and so on. It is very unfortunate that Australia isn’t a part of this. Sharks also help with ecosystems.
But everyone is different and reacts differently to situations. Some people believe that sharks are mindless killing machines and actively hunt humans whereas others believe that sharks are beautiful creatures and should be left to their own devices. The family of Ken Crew gave a statement regarding the question of this essay at Crew’s funeral, which was “Let the shark live. Ken loved the sea and appreciated the creatures that live in it. He would not have wanted the shark killed, and neither do we.” This statement was personally surprising as it could be seen as a rare view, especially coming from the family of a man who was killed by a shark. People who have been attacked by sharks and lived have stated that they feel no ill will towards their attacker. An example of this is Heather Boswell, who went swimming with some friends in 1994 and lost her leg to a shark, although she doesn’t feel that the shark should be killed for taking her
Sharks should not be killed because it would mess up the food chain, and they only attack because they are scared so they defend themselves.
Thesis: Sharks are a vital part of our ecosystem, and killing them disrupts the delicate balance of the ocean.
Known for their enormous bodies, terrifying presence to some, destructive bite and their fast speed in the water, sharks are definitely one the top predator roaming the ocean. Sharks have been around for more than 400 million years, before even the dinosaurs have walked the earth. Still, sharks are encountering the threat of extinction. According to the research of IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, “a quarter of sharks are threatened with extinction”. Although sharks are recognized as an aquatic, apex predator, they are exploited by the cruel and unjustifiable shark finning industry. The shark fin trade should be stopped because it causes a collapse of the marine ecosystem, endangers the shark species and promotes the mistreatment of animals.
Within 1996-2000, shark fin imports increased by 6%. To get the shark fins, men would catch sharks, cut off their fins, and then throw them back into the water. Are shark fin soup worth killing millions and millions of sharks? There are also many different uses for the different parts of the shark. For example, shark oil can be used for makeup and cosmetics, shark cartilage pills supposedly benefits our health and is old in health food stores, and shark steaks are sold all over the world. Although there are many economic benefits from shark finning, it can also threaten recreational fisheries, and other traditional ways of fishing.
To begin research for this project, I started with One Search. This proved to be one of the better resources that I used. Besides One Search I also used USA.gov, Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstract, Bibliography of Asian Studies Online, and Web of Science. Each of these databases proved to be useful in their own ways. From One Search I moved towards the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstract (ASFA), the articles that I found in this database were a good starting point to understanding the anatomical and physiological aspects of sharks. As my research progressed I found that the majority of the articles that I had originally found through this database were not relevant to my research question. I was able to focus in my research from “sharks” to “shark finning” and then ultimately “shark finning within East Asian culture”, and as my research question became more focused I was able to find more specific articles that were relevant. Web of Science was also a useful tool to use as well. It was nice being able to take an article that had good information in it and see where else it had been cited. Through this database I was able to find a few more articles that were useful.
With some extinctions being more negatively affective to the oceans than others, shark finning is a major issue in oceans around the world. Shark finning is done to provide a popular dish, shark fin soup, in the Chinese culture. The entire fish must be killed in order to provide shark fin soup.