
Short Story On Innocent Bystander

Decent Essays


I don’t understand. You said that you didn’t want any contact with me, and I agree that’s best, as your malignant hatred toward me is palpable. You have even spread it to innocent bystanders: Jenny at the bank; the appraiser; my attorney; the closing attorney; etc. Therefore, I'm puzzled as to why you chose the one event that you know I look forward to every year, enjoy immensely (haven’t missed in 12 years!), and am certain to be at, to attend?

Really? You didn’t attend last year, choosing work instead, because you’ve never cared about it, always preferring to make money. You’ve never liked Mark, are lukewarm on golf (especially Lukas’ Fund due to the cost), and now you want to drag your hatred, and clubs clear across the country

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