
Should Animals Be Used For Scientific Experiments?

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A dog is a man’s best friend, is a commonly used phrase to describe an intimate relationship between human and dog that has developed over the centuries. But is this popular phrase true? Are dogs truly a mans best friend? Some argue of course they are— they are friendly, loyal, and in most cases considered a part of the family. But there are those who will disagree—people from other parts of the world, and at different times in history. Take scientists from the nineteenth century, for example, where a man’s best friend was used in scientific experiments that led to the discovery of insulin for diabetes, and saved millions of lives (MacGill: par. 1, 2016). So, where do we draw the line from justifying the use of animals for scientific …show more content…

Lastly, I will conclude by highlighting the main ideas, and will finish off with my own reflections regarding the debate.
Source Methodology This section will describe sources, both academic (scholarly journals and peer review), and popular (articles, blogs) that has been used. All sources were equally important and essential to the formulation of all findings presented in this research paper.
Academic Sources All sources listed in this section are all peer reviewed or are written by academic scholars, that speak to the debate on animals and scientific experiments. For my scholarly sources I examined the following publications: Firstly I used Laura Cox and V. Tamara Montrose’s empirical research, “How Do Human-Animal Emotional Relationship Influence Public Perceptions of Animal Use?” Journal of Animal Ethics. 2016. DOI:10.5406. Both authors have acquired PhD’s and a bachelor’s degree in animal sciences. According to the publisher, this particular journal is dedicated to research regarding animal ethics, and issues in the field of animal sciences, and therefore is useful to this research topic. Another academic research based journal I reviewed was, Cattaneo C. et al.,“Animal Experimentation in Forensic Science: How Far Have We Come?” Forensic Science International. 2015. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.06.024. The authors

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