
Should Uniforms Be Required In Public Schools

Decent Essays

Could you imagine going to school and not having to worry about getting made fun of for what brand you wear or what your clothes? Well, maybe we can make this dream a reality and get the wheels rolling and encourage all public schools to consider having uniforms. There are so many reasons why uniforms would benefit not only the students but the parents as well. School uniforms should be required in public schools. One of the many reasons public schools should have uniforms is because parents could save so much money, they wouldn’t have to buy school clothes for every season. A mother of one, Angela Benjamin states that “How many parents can spend $130 on one child for the entire year? In answering my question, remember you have to shop …show more content…

Mary Yarber states in the Los Angeles Times that, “Many of my poorer students have expressed shame and deep feelings of inferiority because they don’t have the silk shirts or $300 cowboy boots that are standard for many of their wealthier classmates.” Based on the evidence just states I strongly believe this is very true. Kids that are less fortunate may look upon their other classmates that are much more wealthy and flaunt what they got. Kids that are less fortunate may lead to low-self esteem. They may also, have difficulty finding who they really are. Mrs.Yarber also states in the article that, “There’s a lot of hostility between (rich and poor students) and that’s what causes a lot of distress at this school.” That is a very strong statement to me because I feel that there are so many kids that get almost whatever they want. In schools kids that maybe be a little more wealthy may gang up or make fun of those that are not as wealthy. Nowadays wealth determines if you are in the “cool” group or the “not so cool” group. Kids that are poorer than others tend to get made fun of for the clothing or the brand line they wear and that shouldn’t be the case

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