
Should We Keep Healthy Eating Habits? Essay

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Today, some Americans are considered “overweight” or “obese” as a result of their poor eating habits. Now people in our society are trying to change that habit of staying healthy for their well-being. In order for people to stay healthy and active they would go to their local gym in their community, home gym, or a workout class at a recreational center just to lose weight. In addition, some people will even purchase different protein powders for various purposes, so they can use it for increasing muscle mass, losing water weight, toning their muscles, using it as pre-work out drink, or as an after work out drink. If people are desperately trying to lose weight; as a result, they will avoid exercising by dieting instead. Therefore, people in society will go on their computer to do their own dieting research, but many do not know that some medical websites such as dieting sites could be potentially fake due to the overall quality of the website’s content. After surfing the web, I found a misleading website called Diet Doctor, and after looking at the site itself I could see why others may find it potentially promising. The founder of Diet Doctor Dr. Eenfeldt, who is a Swedish Medical Doctor, “spent twelve years working as a doctor and eight of those years as a family physician, treating patients with LCHF diets. But despite that, helping one person at a time couldn’t change the status quo. So in 2015 he quit (MD, n.d.).” This particular Swedish medical doctor does not seem to

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