
Signs Of A Child's Developmental Stages

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The early months and years of your child’s developmental are crucial. It has an impact on his/her health, how they socialize and cope with daily life issues. Signs of healthy development consist of motor skills, physical, language, mental, social, and emotional behavior. This handout will help parents learn signs of their child’s developmental stage. From 0-6 months “Most newborns are well prepared to being interacting with their world” (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016 p. 80). At birth, many babies can suck, grasp reflexes, and lift their heads while being held on the shoulder (Wentz, 2007). Newborns have a sense of smell, taste, and touch. Babies at this stage can find an object that they find in their environment and stare and follow it, especially bright objects. And also hold and reaching for objects that catch their attention. Crying is a way they communicate to parents to get their attention. They also start to become interactive by smiling and responding to mom and dad by making coo sounds. Some babies begin to sit, crawl, and learn to walk with support (National Center for infants, toddlers, and families, 2010). …show more content…

Also, they are learning how to express their feelings by making facial expressions, sounds or gestures (National Center for infants, toddlers, families, 2010). They are able to play games such as peek-a-boo or hide and seek. And maybe still learning to walk or stand on their own. You may notice they start saying mama or dada and also feed

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