As different as they may seem, all religions are pretty similar. Even just the small things that are just here and there can connect many religions together. That is not to say that there are also differences between them like their stances on many beliefs, gods, and followers of their religion. However the eastern and western religions are so similar and yet so different that I have decide to label the similarities and differences. That being said, I believe that the western are so similar and yet so different that they must be analyzed. After all they believe in a higher power, pray, and do other such things that are similar but still every reason they are similar is also how they're different. For example, in the religions Hinduism and
Millions of people from around the world participate in Christianity and Buddhism; both are in the top five most popular religions in the world. Christianity is ranked number one, while Buddhism is ranked at number four. Although these are different religions, the two actually have some similarities. Many similarities exist such as, shared values, the importance of a spiritual master, and that followers strive for spiritual perfection. Although Buddhism and Christianity possess many similarities within the religions, the differences in the view of God, salvation, and reincarnation ultimately outweigh their similarities.
A long time ago, there were two main different religions, eastern and western, even though they are very far apart, there are pretty similar but as much as the similarities, there is differences.
While learning about the Western Hemisphere civilizations I have noticed a few similarities between them. For example, the Anasazi and the Woodland cultures both grew and cultivated their own food, such as corn (Ancient America Lecture, Slide 24 and 29). Another similarity that I found was that the Incas and the Aztecs both worshiped the sun god (Ancient America Lecture, Slide 41 and 48). On the other hand, I noticed a couple differences between the civilizations. For instance, both the Mayans and Aztecs performed human sacrifices regularly, but the Incas did not (Openstax, Chapter 1, section 7 and 13). The Incas would instead offer the gods food, clothes, and coca leaves and would only perform human sacrifices in times of dire emergency (Openstax,
To start off, the researcher would like to give an overview of both eastern and western religions. Eastern religions originated in areas such as China, Japan, and India. The aim of these eastern religions was to live harmoniously and be able to have a healthy balance with the real world and the spiritual world. Supporters tied to eastern religions could be either polytheistic or atheistic. Also, individuals in the eastern culture tend to convey their religious practice any time or any day. For example,
Religion is an important aspect of the lives of many people throughout the world. While there are many different religions throughout the world that all have different beliefs, people tend to only accept one religion as the ultimate truth and reject all others. This ideology sometimes can be so strong as to cause war between countries throughout the world as well as throughout history. There is also a popular opinion in western countries, including the United States, that western religions are better than eastern religions, where eastern religions are often viewed as archaic and undeveloped. This opinion, however, is incorrect and often stems from the major differences between the two different types of religion that people are often not aware of.
In present-day society, the globalization, briefly including economics, and culture, has become an unstoppable tendency. With its rapid development and cultural communication, some controversies have emerged. Religious conflicts are characteristic examples showing the detrimental influences of cultural globalization. It is generally acknowledged that Buddhism and Christianity are ancient and global religions; however, whether the belief in Buddhism is credible or not, has sparked spirited debate. The Christian believes the Buddha is a “shadow”, and he is not to be believed. Actually, there are some similarities in terms of histories, main figures, and beliefs between Buddhism and Christianity. In order to solve sources of conflict, the
Those who are raised within one religious tradition may find it difficult to understand the traditions of another religion. It is not until one is educated in the basics of the other major world religions, that it is possible to see the many similarities between them. Just as there are many similarities between the countries culturally, the major religions share more things than they are different. In viewing Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism with an open mind, it is easy to see the differences, similarities and ideals that make these religions as widespread as they are.
The idea of the soul varies widely in religious tradition. While these variations exist, its basic definition is unvarying. The soul can be described as the ultimate internal principle by which we think, feel, and will, and by which our bodies are animated. The soul is seen as the core principle of life or as the essence of a being 1. Views on the permanence of the soul vary throughout religious tradition as well. While some view it as a mortal entity in flux others believe the soul is an immortal and permanent unit. These interpretations vary from time period to time period and between religions. These characteristics of the soul are interpreted differently through an Eastern or
The most important things I am taking away from this class is the key difference of Eastern and Western religions. Eastern religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism that mostly focus on right action know as orthopraxy. While Western religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam believe in right belief orthodoxy. Western religions tend to use creeds example being in Christianity the Apostles creed. Creeds are statements of fundamental beliefs in a religion.
All religions are similar in a manner, appreciating life, doing good, respecting others..etc yet they still have their differences, the differences that gives it, its uniqueness. And the person practising it, his individuality.
including Buddhism is in both India and Chinas culture. The effects of China and India’s
Around the World there are various differentiating religions. They all have a similar goal which is to see past everyday concerns in quest of a higher moral drive. Western and eastern religions both are very spiritual in various diverse ways. The western religions focus on monotheism, whereas the eastern religions are polytheistic.
Creation of own religion it is western and eastern, western is Welisam and eastern is Itsanisam. (Welisam believes in god and confession to start the year good, also to show respect is to show that people are being cared about.)(Itsanisam believing in the faith and oneself has strong feelings towards themselves in succeeding, caring about their selves to first think and their selves before others, life to be reborn again.). They celebrate anything they want and are always believing in god, they are similar because they can believe in there selves and in god they can also celebrate
In studying the world religions I learned that there are similarities; they all seem to
The term “behavior” refers one’s acts dominated by ideology in response to certain situations. Behavior derives from the long development of culture in which people are defined what is supposed to act based on the identity given. In other words, one’s behavior sometimes is the demonstration of one’s identity. Living in a multi-culture world, people from various cultures may behave totally different toward a situation or stimulus. Western and eastern cultures typically reflects the point of behavioral differentiations among distinct cultures. The United States, as a superpower established in last hundreds of years, possesses distinguishing features of western culture such as open and liberty. Meanwhile, China is an eastern country with an ancient civilization stands for conservative culture. Therefore, as represents of these two cultures, the United States and China are appropriate examples to explore the behavioral differentiations, and the differences in behavior can be well demonstrated through daily behaviors like classroom, driving and dining.