
Similarities Between Steve Jobs And Bill Gates

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Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are two of the most surely understood names of our age for being the fellow benefactors of two extensive enterprises. Steve Jobs is the fellow benefactor of Macintosh, additionally the organizer of Pixar and NeXT. Bill Gates, most known for being the co-founder of Microsoft, which is the greatest programming organization on the planet. However, undoubtedly, both of these men were extremely successful in their expert lives, for the most part, a similar thing and comparative in their ways, yet altogether different. Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. At 13 years old, he found his love for computers. His senior year, he and his companion, Paul Allen built up their own particular organization called the Traf-O-Data. Be that as it may, with Allen being in college, Traf-O-Data was not a success. The business did, nonetheless, give the two a sharp understanding of a couple of things, for example, how to be compelling business visionaries and give them more experience. Gates was later accepted by Harvard College. Before long, Gates quit Harvard to seek after his fantasy in programming. In the 1970', the young men got their first break when an organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico called MITS were keen on the young men's capacity to compose programming. Not long after, the young men were employed. In 1975, Microsoft was made. By 1978, Gates moved MITS to Bellevue, Washington so he could be close to family. As the

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