
Similarities Between The American And The United States

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Living in Europe vs. The United States Lifestyles can vary depending on where you are from, what daily life is like, as well, as how people act with each other. Lifestyles between Europeans and Americans is like comparing apples to oranges. Each culture has its different techniques, scenery ,and society. Cultures can be different but they may have things in common. Due to globalization many brands are identical to the ones that are in the United States. Nowadays when an individual's visits a big American city most components are the same. In every city there are shopping malls, which have a lot of the same stores that one can find in many other cities. Feeling of the cities is different because the architecture is a style all of its own, and the style of american cities is different because our cities are more spaced out. American cities have different legislation than European cities. First being that in Europe businesses are not required to have a specific number of parking spots, because not everyone has an automobile. In …show more content…

Due to lifestyles in the United States cars are everyone's go to source for transportation, which makes possible because gas prices here are significantly cheaper than they are in the European Union. Gas prices in the United States are on average three dollars a gallon. In the European Union they average out to be around seven dollars a gallon. Which means that public transport is the go to option for getting around, which in turn has made their public transport system efficient, and a good alternative to driving everywhere. Example being that if an individual wanted to travel between Paris and Lyon France a distance of approximately 300 miles takes two hours by train. In the United States it takes six and half hours to get from Detroit to Chicago by train which is a distance of about 280 miles. Being able to go places can change people's

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