Many different religions have differing views on what a “sin” is. In some religions, an act or thought would be considered a sin and in another religion, it would not be. In my paper, I will be researching what makes a sin in different religions and how they believe it will affect them in the afterlife.
Buddhism does not believe in the word sin but rather in good and bad deeds which each individual will make to create their own destiny. As the Buddha says “These evil deeds were only done by you, not by your parents, friends, or relatives: and you yourself will reap the painful results.” (Dhammapada 165)
Bad deeds can be based on if the deed goes against the Eightfold Path which is a set of guidelines that Buddhist follow. The Eightfold
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Muslims believe that sin is anything against the commandments of Allah (God) and that sin act and not a state of being. Meaning that if you sin it does not make you a bad person and the only thing you can do is to sin, rather you can redeem yourself with good acts. Some sins are more punishable than other and have clear distinctions of what is a major and what is a minor sin. Many of the minor sins can be forgiven by Allah, but in all Islam teaches that Allah is merciful and individuals can be forgiven of their sins if they repent.
Major sins would include the following: Joining other gods with Allah (5:72), Disappointing from Allah’s forgiveness (12:87), Bothering parents (17:23), Killing an innocent person (4:93), Slandering chaste women (24:23), Eat up the property of orphans (4:10), Usury (2:275), Fornication (25:68), Intoxicant (5:90), Stealing (5:38), and many more are listed and specified in the Quran. Minor sins are not listed or specified in the Quran but as long as you do not do any major sins it is very likely Allah will forgive all minor sins.
Islam believes that Allah weighs an individual’s good and bad deeds against each other on the Day of Judgment and will punish them if their evil deeds outweigh their good deeds. If the bad deeds outweigh the good they will be sentenced to an afterlife in the fires of Jahannam
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Failure to follow the law of the Bible can cost you an eternity in Hell. Although just like in many religions you can be forgiven for your sins and kind of get a second chance at being able to have an eternity in
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines sin as “an offense against religious or moral law”. People have many motivations to sin: greed, self-gain, and pleasure being prominent examples. In “The Scarlet Letter”, Hester Prynne is convinced that her husband is not coming to meet her at their new home in the colonies because she believes that he may have died. She then has an affair setting in motion the events of the story. In “Frankenstein”, Victor Frankenstein idolizes scientific knowledges thereby leading him to create and abandon his monster; this results in the deaths of three of Victor’s loved ones. In “Idylls of the King”, Pelleas becomes the Red Knight of the North after he experiences rejection by Ettarre and after Guinevere’s unfaithfulness to King Arthur is exposed. By using examples from “The Scarlet Letter”, “Frankenstein”, and “Idylls of the King” I will make the case that the initial sin of a person creates situations which cause
Through the pass of time the word “Sin” started getting an abroad concept which depended on who was describing it. According to ancient Hebrews and Greeks the word “Sin” had two major concepts and translation. One of them was to transgress, which means “to step across” or “to go beyond a set boundary or limit.” The second one was “to miss the mark”. Both concepts implied going to a certain direction and not going to the directions that was intended to go.
Due to the "Fall" of humanity and man’s blatant expression of disobedience sin thus entered the scene. Where once man had peace with God and walked with God and knew God in a way that no man has known since; when Adam openly disobeyed God this shared communion was shattered and along with it, any hope of redemption outside of God’s ultimate plan. What then does Romans teach about sin? Paul teaches that the wages of sin is death (6:23). James Dunn includes these additional consequences; “Misdirected Religion,” “Self-Indulgence” and “Sins.” Of the four that Dunn lists,
Sin is the foundation of good and evil in today’s society. Without out this factor there would be no judging in society but peacefulness everywhere. We live in a society where sin is the tool that runs our culture. When many of us consider "What is sin?" we think of violations of the Ten Commandments. Some other people consider murder, adultery, theft, etc as sins too. In the Tokens of Trust by Rowan Williams he illustrates the language of the “orginal sin” “ is a tangle that goes back to our very roots of humanity”. According to the Marriam-Webster dictionary sin is defined as an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
It would be fair to assume that almost everyone is guilty of at least one of the above sins at some point in life; however, a being such as Lestat is on a different level of sin. Of course in between these levels of sin there are sins, which are considered to be of a graver nature, it is obviously a graver sin to murder than to be a drunk. From this it would be simpler to know that the latter would be considered a venial sin and not within the same gravity of a mortal sin and therefore the sinner can be saved. However bad a mortal sin is, according to the
This can be surprising to many other people such as non-believers. Sin is defined as an offense against God. The sin that Satan has taught human race is to be like God; to be their own masters and achieve their own happiness (Lewis 53). Humans try to find ways to achieve their
Everyone is a sinner in the eyes of God. Each and every soul has peculiarly different
"The sins described don't seem like sins at all, even if one accepts the religious significance of the term. But they spring from thoughts and behaviors that, overtime become habits."(Benton TSDSOS) For example, Institutions create a mindset for students that push them to take the path of least resistance; and instead of using self denial and self esteem they choose self indulgence. These choices and sins that they indulge in have consequences that can create more unhappiness and difficult paths later down the road. The seven sins that are of topic are, the Sloth, Greed, Anger, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, and finally Pride. These seven sins are the troubling behavior that students succumb to.
Sin is mentioned throughout the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments. In fact, there are six different Greek words within the New Testament alone that talk about sin. (Etzel & Gutierrez, 2014). However, although the Bible is clear that mankind is born with a sinful nature, there are different types of sin. Furthermore, the authenticity of the sinner dictates the way in which these sins are not only repented, but whether forgiven. My goal is to not only identify these sins types, but to divulge their relevance and acquire a better understanding.
Sin does not define you for your entire life. God sent His only son so that our sins can be forgiven. We do not have to be perfect. All we have to do is repent and put our trust in Him. I am so thankful my Savior is not like most people and He sees past my sins. He sees I can
For example, many people believe that purgatory is part of their afterlife. “[T]he Catholic Church defines purgatory as a ‘purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven,’ which is experienced by those ‘who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified’” (Brom). For Catholics, this place in between Heaven and Hell is where they repent for their sins before moving on to Heaven. Because this middle ground exists, people following this religion may not focus as much on repenting for their sins while they are living. Instead, Catholics may wait to ask for forgiveness for all their wrongdoings. Moreover, they may feel more free to take actions that negatively impact others because they think they have the luxury of seeking forgiveness in the afterlife.
1. There are many different sins not listed here. However, many of these great sins, like murder, adultery, stealing, etc., have root causes, like Pride. Pride was the devil's great sin, as he wanted to be like God, and rebelled. There are 7 basic kinds of sin that lead to all others, known as the Seven Deadly sins. It takes heroic virtue in most cases to overcome these. Most of us are afflicted greatly with at least one or two of these. And once you give in to one of these sins, the spirits of the other 6 will be only too glad to come into your soul also. All of these sins will lead you directly to hell.
The covenant between people and God also contains punishment for those who violate the agreement (Coogan 68). As a result, one punishment can affect all the generations who had the covenant with God. For example, the covenant of the New Testament, which most Christian believe in, that all human should cleanse their sins by accepting the sacrifice of Christ. It means that every child is born a sinner and should cleanse their sins with the blood of Christ, so one day they will have eternal life. On the other hand, for those who fail to do this, they will go to hell for eternal
Understand the various incorrect views regarding the nature or definition of sin as provided in the textbook and the lectures.
We must make our own decision on what we think sin is. We can look at what others say it could be or we can look to the Bible and ask the Lord what it is. I think it is also different for everyone. There are however some things that are a standard for everyone. These are specifically mentioned in the Bible. God gave us the Ten Commandments to follow and Jesus gave us two simple rules to follow. If we look at these we can