
Sin In Different Religions

Decent Essays

Many different religions have differing views on what a “sin” is. In some religions, an act or thought would be considered a sin and in another religion, it would not be. In my paper, I will be researching what makes a sin in different religions and how they believe it will affect them in the afterlife.

Buddhism does not believe in the word sin but rather in good and bad deeds which each individual will make to create their own destiny. As the Buddha says “These evil deeds were only done by you, not by your parents, friends, or relatives: and you yourself will reap the painful results.” (Dhammapada 165)
Bad deeds can be based on if the deed goes against the Eightfold Path which is a set of guidelines that Buddhist follow. The Eightfold …show more content…

Muslims believe that sin is anything against the commandments of Allah (God) and that sin act and not a state of being. Meaning that if you sin it does not make you a bad person and the only thing you can do is to sin, rather you can redeem yourself with good acts. Some sins are more punishable than other and have clear distinctions of what is a major and what is a minor sin. Many of the minor sins can be forgiven by Allah, but in all Islam teaches that Allah is merciful and individuals can be forgiven of their sins if they repent.
Major sins would include the following: Joining other gods with Allah (5:72), Disappointing from Allah’s forgiveness (12:87), Bothering parents (17:23), Killing an innocent person (4:93), Slandering chaste women (24:23), Eat up the property of orphans (4:10), Usury (2:275), Fornication (25:68), Intoxicant (5:90), Stealing (5:38), and many more are listed and specified in the Quran. Minor sins are not listed or specified in the Quran but as long as you do not do any major sins it is very likely Allah will forgive all minor sins.
Islam believes that Allah weighs an individual’s good and bad deeds against each other on the Day of Judgment and will punish them if their evil deeds outweigh their good deeds. If the bad deeds outweigh the good they will be sentenced to an afterlife in the fires of Jahannam …show more content…

Failure to follow the law of the Bible can cost you an eternity in Hell. Although just like in many religions you can be forgiven for your sins and kind of get a second chance at being able to have an eternity in

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