
Skim Milk Research Paper

Decent Essays

Dairy is a very key part of getting key nutrients. Some nutrients include calcium and vitamin D. Milk, cheese, yogurt are just some examples of some dairy products (“All about the Dairy"). But something people need to know is skim milk does provide all the key nutrients in whole milk does. People think whole milk is better because they think in skim milk they take out key nutrients but that is all wrong. Whole milk does have vitamins but is high in fat. Skim milk on the other hand has no fat and all the same vitamins so it’s always better than whole milk(“Nutrients and Health Benefits"). A challenge I might face is my grandparents are set to not buying skim milk because they say it doesn’t taste good no matter what I tell them.Anyways you want to drink at least 3 cups of milk if you're aged 9-18 (“All about the Dairy"). You want to get all the protein if you only drink one cup it’s not enough vitamins. I don’t need to change my eating habits because I drink one cup of milk for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. …show more content…

Some fruits are watermelons, apples, strawberries, and bananas. These foods include key nutrients like potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and foliar (“Nutrients and Health Benefits"). For girls ages 9-18 you want to have at least one and one half cups of fruit (“All about the Fruit Group" ). If you're a male aged 9-13 you want one and one half cups and if you're aged 14-18 you want two cups of fruit (“All about the Fruit" ). I might face a little challenge because some days I’m not eating about 1 or 2 pieces of fruit a day. Know some people think fruits aren't getting clean and even though it’s false don’t you wash your fruits before you eat it? Don’t be biased about fruits not been cleaned because they do clean it. So don’t be scared to eat fruits, embrace

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