
Sleep Deprived Athletes : The Lack Of Sleep Essay

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Sleep Deprived Athletes Do you feel sluggish while playing your favorite sport? The lack of sleep can negatively impact an athlete’s performance. Athletes that are fatigued can experience negative; mental, emotional and physical conditions. These negative conditions become noticeable on the field, either during a game or throughout practice. They can impact the team in a way that wouldn’t benefit the other players. This could be a crucial way to determine if the team will win or lose that particular game. Most student-athletes do not get the proper amount of sleep at night, causing them to be sleep deprived. Student-athletes need eight or more hours of sleep to function properly in daily activities. Sleep is the most important part of a student-athlete’s life. “Getting your zzz’s may be just as important as fitting in training sessions”(“Find out Why Snoozing”). The fact that sleep is just as important as sports, or maybe even more important really tells something. In order for a person to live a healthy lifestyle, they first need to start out by getting a good night’s sleep. People that receive less than six hours of sleep are in risk of disease, as well as other medical issues. Also a lack of sleep can increase stress levels, which can drive people into depression. “Researchers have also found that newly learned information and skills are reinforced by a good night’s sleep --- meaning that children are becoming better at their soccer footwork, their piano playing, or

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