
Slow Capital Definition

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Hear the word, capital and most of us think of financial capital. Yet in the Slow Food and Slow Money communities, we know other sorts of capital flourish as well.
Slow Food members will recognize the idea of natural capital. Much of the work being done with terroir centers on the natural capital of a geographic place. The heritage fruits, vegetables and animals found in our region are a treasure. Taste of the Ark celebrates a cultivated and nurtured natural capital.
Slow Money also centers on natural capital. We look particularly to the natural capital of a healthy soil. Our slogan, In Soil We Trust, demands we support the food related businesses designed to serve natural capital and terroir.
As Director of Investment Programs for Slow Money SoCal, I’m often called upon to give presentations explaining our approach to money in the …show more content…

Whether from a local grocery store buyer, an experienced farmer or a more knowledgeable entrepreneur, there is always a priceless amount of intellectual capital at our Gatherings. I pause for a moment to recognize our intellectual capital.
Finally, I note the amount of cultural capital we have in our region. The diversity of cultural traditions in Southern California is a regional wealth. From these local influences, we generate recipes, cultivation practices, preservation and the goods of our foodshed. Again, folks look around the room with understanding and recognition.
Only then do I touch on financial capital.
By helping our communities expand the meaning of the word, capital, I know we’re better able to come together and care for our foodshed. When we reflect on a variety of capital, we can begin to appreciate the depth of our community resources. We aren’t just a group of those with money and those that need money. We’re a community of folks ready to sustain our local businesses through a variety

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