Abstract Within this Briefing Paper, the topic of Bring Your Own Device, in short “BYOD”, will be explored in regards to how it fits in to current day corporate and educational environments, and why it will be a primary focus in future IT strategies. The importance of it will be signified and why it is a major advantage for IT departments and users, and the policies governing BYOD and why they need to exist for an IT department to effectively support users and their devices. Benefits of cost reduction, comfortability through BYOD are contrasted against concerns of security, platform commitment and integration approach, and ultimately why BYOD is an exciting prospect for the future with a current large uptake that is continuing to grow year …show more content…
Importance The trend of BYOD is enabling “organisations to take advantage of new technology faster” (Defence Signals Directorate, 2014), which is very important in today’s rapidly evolving ecosystem of devices available on the planet. The traditional course of action for an IT department is that they usually supply a smartphone/laptop/tablet to a user, which is intended to last them a few years. As a result over time the device falls out of line with the expected speeds and features of the latest devices on the market, potentially annoying the user. Taking advantage of new technology leads users to being reinforced with the expected standards of current speed and power, which “can often save time and money” (QLD Government, 2015), and also enable the user to be protected with the latest security available, which is crucial when a device is containing sensitive data. Policies As a BYOD implementation gives more control to the user with how they can complete their work, through the ability to use their own device, guidelines (in the form of a policy) must be set as to how and what an IT department can do to support the
The “Attic Black-Figure Column Krater” depicts Dionysos the Wine God surrounded by various Satyrs and Maenads. The Satyrs and Maenads appear to be performing some kind of dance ritual, with Dionysos standing center. Dionysos, holding a drinking appeared rather relaxed compared to the others in the scene, it almost appears as if he was smiling at the Satyrs and Maenads. Ultimately, the subject matter of the painting on the vase showcases a joyous ritual with Dionysus and his follower Satyrs and Maenads. The subject matter of this vase infers that the Athenians were a festive people that enjoyed dance and wine.
In the most recent market analysis from the NPD Group, iOS has assumed control of 43 percent of smartphone sales. The analysis further shows the market for basic phones has dwindled and that the cell phone market is fast becoming a smartphone market. The demand for anything other than smartphones is evaporating. This push toward high-end smartphones is helping not only Apple, but also Google and Samsung, which are benefiting from the desire of consumers to carry these all-powerful ‘mini’ computers in their pockets. With the connectivity these smartphones present, users are never left ‘out of
If WickID Candles implements the BYOD plan, each employee would be able to use their personal cell phones for work purposes. They will be used to keep up with the workplace environment at home or whenever they are out of the office. This will allow to them have access to personal work data whether via their work email or access to the company 's personal sites. With BYOD, employees would be able to use their mobile devices to interact with customers, manage accounts, and even create new aspects of our online store. This plan would potentially give workers the flexibility to work at the leisure of their homes and to continue to work without being tied to the office. Our goal is that this will increase engagement with customers and increase work productivity.
As this school is continuously searching for innovative practices to embed enriched learning experiences with the use of technology, this report is intended to examine the policy, ‘Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)’ and make a decision in regards to implementing this policy within this schools learning environment.
BYOD lets employees use their personal devices for work, connecting to a corporate network. Generally you will cover a portion of the service plan's cost per employee. This policy is great for productivity because your employees don't
The use of mobile devices has become so commonplace today that you can hardly step out your front door without them. We have become tethered to technology. Our dependence upon this technology is not the problem, how and where we choose to use it is.
The reality is that there is no simple solution when it comes to regulating BYOD. Every organization is different and there are number of different factors that have to be taken into consideration. First a company will have to decide which employees will be allowed access, as well as the types of devices
Using technology, students are given access to educational resources that can help them with their coursework. The use of technology also gives students the opportunity to be collaborative with their classmates. The laptops, computers, and other gadgets provided the early colleges allows each and every student to have an enhanced learning experience; however, early colleges also have enacted the "Bring Your Own Device" program. With the BYOD policy, students are allowed to bring their own smartphones, tablets, and laptops to use in the classroom environment, but students are held responsible for their own device. This means if the device is stolen or broken it’s the student’s fault.
Policies are usually made up of high level statements. These statements are usually made by senior management and enforced downwards to lower level staff. Policies are used to ensure the protection of all sensitive information throughout the organization by outlining a definite scope of what to needs to be protected, defining roles and the responsibilities and finally gives an in-depth description of the controls that needs to be implemented. Policies, when viewed from a legal perspective is the effort taken by senior management to ensure the safety of the organization’s
Employee satisfaction and increased productivity are some of the reasons most organizations are accepting the BYOD policy in the workplace. Many concerns exist from a security standpoint when the BYOD program is implemented in my organization
Within the report, beginning on page 34, is a section entitled Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) - Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less. It explained the concept, BYOD, is not only limited to schools, but also, extensively to work environments. Relevant to teaching, it discussed BYOD’s relevance for teaching, learning and creative inquiry. The vocabulary used, such as;
Edgar Allan Poe was one of the greatest writers of the 19th century. He is is well known for his gothic themes and disturbing characters. Unfortunately, Poe lived a life full of sorrow and pain, having nearly everyone he loved die. His poem Alone is said to have been a confessional poem, recalling how Poe felt growing up. Poe’s use of repetition, metaphors, and imagery all aid in bringing the reader closer to understanding what was going on in Poe’s mind.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is when an employee uses one or more personal computing devices for business purposes. It can include personal computers, laptops, tablets, USB or flash drives, mobile phones and even online computing services such as Dropbox or Google Drive. The history of BYOD stems from the technological advances of the past 25 years, starting with employees accessing corporate networks from their home computers via dial-up modems in the late 1980’s and virtual private networks starting in the early 1990’s, continuing through the massive increase in mobile phones and access to corporate email via Blackberry type devices and culminating in the current state of being connected all the time via tablets
“Things without all remedy should be done without regard; what’s done is done” This quote nicely captures our cultural unquestioned belief about regret that states that lamenting what has already occurred is foolish and that it is better to simply move on and forward. The initial thought when hearing this quote is that it is an admirable philosophy that people should follow, however, that is until I tell you who said it and in what context. This quote was spoken by Lady Macbeth convincing her husband to stop feeling sorry about murdering people. Maybe not a role model after all. I believe that instead of forgetting, it is important for people to remember the regret they felt in these instances, so they can make better decisions in the future.
. According to John Dewey education plays a large role in the development of an individual and it is an element that separates humans from other animals. It is important to try to comprehend what Dewey means by this and in order to do so the following must be done. First, one must understand the role education plays in an individual and Dewey’s notions of education in the areas of growth, direction and social function. Second, after comprehending Dewey’s notions of education in the areas of growth, direction, and social function, one must be able to grasp the distinction between education as a social function and the simple notion of training and what sets these two apart. Third, after being able to comprehend the notions of education and the distinction between education as a social function and training, the idea of why education is distinctive of human life will be further developed.