
Social Care History Essay

Decent Essays

There are many reasons to why social care has departed from its history. Only three of these reasons will be mentioned and explained in this essay. The first key reason was the exposure of abuse and neglect people faced while living in residential homes run by the church. This resulted in the movement away from religious control to the HSE having control. This could be one reason why social care departed from its history to develop a distinctive identity. In relation to this another reason that social care departed from its history and developed a distinctive identity was due to the creation of new policies in the social care area. Finally, the last reason that will be explained will be education and training which is now needed to be able …show more content…

Religious institutions used to have huge control in the social care area and now it is the HSE. Christie states "the history of the social care professionals can be found in the foundations of religious charities in the 19th century and the rapid expansion of religious communities" (Christie, 2009). Due to the increase of nuns there was an increase in different types of schools and residential homes. Christie states "this resulted in the establishment of hospitals, schools for poor children, orphanages, reformatories, industrial schools, Magdalen laundries and home for the elderly as well as a range of other services for the sick and poor" (Christie, 2009). Social care has had a very bad history, it has a history of abuse and neglect. Christie states "it was not until the Kennedy Report (1970) that the industrial and reformatory system was exposed as 'far from satisfactory hazardous and amateurish' with a general lack of awareness of the needs of the child" (Christie, 2009). Christie states "the dramatic decline in the number of applicants to religious orders and the 'discovery' of child abuse in residential homes run by Catholic organisations has resulted in rapid withdrawal of the Catholic Church from the provision of social care" (Christie,

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