
Social Media And Corporate Communication

Decent Essays

Social media has driven corporate communications, collaboration, and decision-making. Being able to communicate directly and instantly with company stakeholders and any level employee marks the transition from the traditional one-way output of corporate communication. This thesis paper aims to show the direct relationship between social media and corporate communication, focusing on corporate communication changes that have occurred as a result of social media tools. Communication has always been of great importance within corporations, whether it’s over the phone, person to person, or through written forms. Understanding how corporate communications models work forms the foundation from which social media grew. Social media is an umbrella term that uses multiple marketing concepts of the traditional corporate model. Social media includes insight, instant messages, experiences, communities of people that generate content using online technologies, and sharing of opinions. Examples of social media tools that corporations are now using are video sharing (ie. YouTube), social networks (ie. Facebook), micro-blogging (ie. Twitter), and video conferencing. In the corporate world today, the success and or failure of any company is based on the ability to adapt and public perception. The opinions of investors, employees, and stakeholders are crucial to the long-term success of any company. Social media not only offers a company the opportunity for direct and instant corporate

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