
Social Media And Its Effects On Our Lives

Decent Essays

In my personal experience, social interaction online it helps me to keep in touch with families, friends and also for networking, but in general my post is more likely about my family , “Selfies” or just simple funny post that I may like. In particular, social media allows me to have easy communication access with significant other that are out of the country.
Many of Us for the most part has been affected by social media in their daily person to person interaction now days, the texting, email and media account like “Facebook” just to mention one of them ,has been eliminating the phone calls, letter or even deeper, it is affecting our relationship with our families and friends because is more distance .
Recently my family has an event to celebrate one of my uncle’s birthdays, in New Jersey, everything was really nice, a great moment for members of the family to interact because some of us are living out of the state. During the celebration everyone was on their cell phones taking pictures and posting on their social media account, including myself.
My family is really big therefore, that event will give us an amazing opportunity for some of us to know each other, and introduced some new members to one another, such as newly marriages, but instead we all were more focus on been on our phones posting on social media rather than enjoy the celebration and make my uncle feel good and happy.
We missed the time when all members of the family were seated in the table, enjoying our

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