
The Effects Of Social Media On Our Lives

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Social Media as well as texting plays an important role in our day to day life. Many say a negative impact on our life. Just about everywhere, there will be somebody on their mobile device either communicating with someone or playing Angry Birds. Most People in this day and age own a cell phone. For the people owning cellphones, they are more likely to be less social because they spend on average one hour and forty minutes on social media alone. Social media is decreasing the in skill communications we used to have before social media. Most everybody in this generation loves their cell phone, they’re so useful and helpful. You do things on your phone such as find a place to eat, check the weather forecast or even play your …show more content…

Teenagers love their phones. How Texting Changes Communication claims that nearly seventy two percent of teenager’s text regularly and that one in three send more than one hundred text a day. Now the teenagers are the ones that are going to be effected by social media and texting the hardest. They will be so used to texting in their orders for pizza that when they must go order it in person they will have trouble ordering for themselves. People that text a lot may be uncomfortable with face to face communication because they are used to talking over a little screen instead of standing in front of someone talking to them. Relating back to my connection to ordering pizza online, they have come so far as to make shoes that you can order pizza with. We have become this isolated that we now can order pizza on our shoes and have it left at our front door so we do not have to have any social interaction with another human. Yes this pizza shoe seems to be mainly a joke but it’s crazy to think that they have come as far as to make a shoe that will order pizza. It just shows what else they will be willing to try to make our lives easier and avoid even more interaction. What blows my mind is what big percent of the U.S population owns a smartphone. Monica Anderson says in Technology Device Ownership that about 68% of Americans own a smartphone. This does not even include

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