
Research Paper On Gandhi

Satisfactory Essays

Allie Haddad
Friedkin & Lily
SOC 134N
Final Paper

I. Social Movement Synopsis

A. Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi was the most important leader of the Indian independence movement when India was ruled by Britain. Gandhi led India to independence using nonviolent civil disobedience tactics, and movement laid a foundation for civil rights and freedoms across the world. He believed in using nonviolent actions in his fight for India’s independence and created the term “satyagraha,” which means “truth and love against force.” Gandhi believed violence would not just hurt one’s enemies but also oneself, which is why using nonviolence was essential to strengthen and purify people. He felt that leading a simple life made up of labor, prayer, good health habits, and abstinence from worldly pleasures could change society for the better.
Gandhi’s led a civil disobedience movement in 1930 that is known as the Salt March. This act of civil disobedience was unsuccessful in securing India’s independence, but was able to unite the people of India under the leadership of the Indian National Congress. It also assisted in the collapse of the British Empire in India and indicated a new stage in the fight toward self-ruling. This social organization was created to show civil resistance to the British colonial system and display the new social order that the people of India wanted to put in place. During the Salt March, Gandhi grabbed a handful of mud at the beach and announced he was shaking

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