
Sociological Reflection

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The human person is a complex and individualistic being. He functions alone yet craves affiliation. He is defined single-handedly as well as interpreted through his association with others. He is the most intricate character on the planet and his bond between fellow individuals is the biggest part of the mystery. The nature of a human being is often perplexing as is the community in which he exists.

Like others, the society in which I live in casts a shadow on my everyday actions. The societal norms and standards set the boundaries for what conduct is and is not socially acceptable. Our community governs the way we think and act forcing us to create a facade of our ideal self. The way we act around others cultivates through the nature of our origins, and relies heavily on our demographic features. Living in an affluent society has set the bar for social demeanor, people must act a certain way, speak in a certain tone, and achieve certain goals. Alongside peer pressure comes parental expectations to be and achieve the best possible. The social ranking of each community corresponds with the nature of its setting, allowing for different objectives for different societies.

Sociology focuses on understanding the social and cultural aspects of human behavior as well as deducing how our lives are influenced by the social relationships around us. At the …show more content…

Exposure to different cultures and societies has provided me a glimpse of the diversity among social classes. Ideally, individuals should live in harmony and order among one another. However, the reality of the situation divides individuals by statistical factors, isolating those that stray from the norm. Those whose personalities stand out face the difficulty of not being accepted by their community. Insight into the field of sociology will provide basis for the actions of the individual as well as the community

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