
Software Architecture And Product Lines For Mobile Applications

Satisfactory Essays

Software Architecture and Product Lines for Mobile Applications

Xiaoyu Qian
Illinois Institute of Technology Introduction
In the past decade, there has been significant growth in mobile application development. Since the Apple App Store opened in July 2008 and many other mobile application platform occurred, like Android, Windows Phone and so on, a smart phone is now not only a device used to call and send messages, but also helps to learn, earn and have fun. Mobile communication is so integrated into our lives that many people feel uncomfortable without a mobile device.
A software product line (SPL) is a set of systems that share a common, managed set of features satisfying the specific needs of the market. It can …show more content…

The third paper, “A Tutorial on Feature Oriented Programming and Product-Lines”, mainly introduces Feature Oriented Programming (FOP) and makes some discussion and compare.
The fourth paper, “Implementing Product Line Variabilities”, addresses the issue of handling product line variability at the code level.

Discussion of relevant topics
In this section, we will detail the four paper and provide comparable analysis of views in these paper.
1 Software Engineering Issues for Mobile Application Development
This paper provides an overview of the software engineering research issues of the development of mobile applications. It presents the significant growth in mobile application development in recent years and the huge amount of applications available through various stores and marketplaces. The author conducted a small survey in order to understand the current development practices for mobile applications and concluded four conclusions as following: most of the applications were relatively small with one or two developers; there was a sharp divide between “native” applications and web applications; developers rarely used any formal development processes; developers did very little organized tracking of their development efforts and gathered few metrics. Most of

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