Specific comments: On the first page of the introduction, line 23, the authors state: Yung et al. (2014) developed a distinctive dose using anterior-to-posterior pressures (AP) of the cervical spine that resulted in a reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP) and heart rate (HR), My reading of this article suggests that the only significant differences were in HR which the authors suggest in their comments was the rationale for the use of BP in their power calculation. Response: We deleted the phrase “systolic blood pressure (SBP),” and have revised the statement so that it now reads: “…using anterior-to-posterior pressures (AP) of the cervical spine that resulted in a reduction in heart rate (HR),…” Line 44, the authors cite Egwu 2009 …show more content…
This does not appear to be consistent with the analysis. Unless I 'm misinterpreting, the results indicate that there was a difference between the two groups at that time point, not that each had a significant difference from the baseline. If this is the case, the conclusion should also to be adjusted accordingly. Response: We are sorry not to make it clear in the manuscript. While the reviewer’s interpretation was correct, we tried to explain how the significant interaction effect was driven. As shown in Table 2 from the submitted manuscript, while there was no significant difference between PA-P and PA in outcomes, the p-value (0.0105) obtained from ANOVA test tells us that an interaction term between group and time in regard to SBP was significant. To explain better and to identify where this was driven, we followed up with the post-hoc tests. In detail, this table shows that averaged SBP regardless the groups (PA or PA-P) was significantly reduced from Baseline to During-Time (p-value=0.0008) as well as to Post-Time (p-value=0.0267). On the other hand, the significance of the interaction,
Table 1. This table shows the recording of the amplitude, period, and BPMs for the ventricular contractions before and the effects of the Cold Ringer’s after.
The blood circulates around the body. The heart contract and relax, this mechanism of heart makes the blood to flow in the arteries to the body from heart and come back from body to heart through veins. The arteries carry oxygenated blood or oxygen rich blood and the veins carry deoxygenated blood or oxygen poor blood. This flow creates the pressure on the arterial wall and the pressure that is exerted on the arterial wall is known as blood pressure. Blood pressure is expressed by the
If 9 t tests were conducted and the set alpha for this study is 0.05, then the alpha level that should be used to determine the differences between the two groups is 0.05/9=0.0056 and the resulting alpha will be used to determine significant differences.
When I did my own EKG lab testing I used the following materials: BIOPAC electrode lead set (SS2L), BIOPAC disposable vinyl electrodes (EL503), Cot, BIOPAC electrodes, Computer Sytem, BIOPAC Student Lab software v3.0 or greater, and BIOPAC acquisition unit (MP30). When all these materials are available the computer was turned on and three of the electrodes were placed on the body of my teammate. Two electrodes were positioned on the medial surface of each leg just above the ankle, and the last electrode was on the right anterior forearm at her wrist. When these were attached the subject was asked to lie down on the cot and relax. We then attached her to the EKG machine with three colored cables. The white cable was placed on the electrode on the right forearm, the black cable was placed on right leg and the red cable was attached to the electrode on the left leg.
The authors relied heavily on two studies to create their argument. The first study mentioned was the Pinto et al article. In this study, "Pinto and colleagues (5) assessed the
However, unlike the standard analysis, we found a significant interaction of “group” by “condition” for SAglobal (cross-over interaction). The MCI group showed a specific decrease of SAglobal induced by the ACZ challenge (Table 4). Although no significant, a tendency of a similar interaction was also observed for Cglobal.
The patient should be seated with the feet flat on the floor. The BP is obtained in both arms,
The authors then share their analysis on the changes of heart rate and GSR at the many different points throughout their study.
In this case, level of significance, α was not provided. Therefore, the analysis will be evaluated based on two α values which are:
The results from this study only reflect a very small number of the population, so it is difficult for this experiment to show any significant results. It would have reflected better on the results if the sample size had been meet, however it was not possible due to lack of time and number of eligible volunteers.
amount of pressure exerted on arterial walls in the patient’s heart. Blood pressure is measured in
This was because I saw that the result of time spent in closed arms was significant when looking at handling, and just assumed that the significance supported my hypothesis. My hypothesis was: If a female rat is handled it will spend more time in the open arms and make more open arm entries than the non-handled group, thus exhibiting lower anxiety levels. Since there were no significant results when looking at sex in any case, I realized that this refuted the part of my hypothesis about females showing less anxiety. What I did not look at carefully enough was the actual times that the significant data was pointing to. In the first set of results, handled females spent 345.5 ± 13.1 seconds in the closed arms and non-handled females spent 281 ±13.1 seconds in the closed arms. Handled males spent 252.33 ±13.1 seconds in the closed arms and non-handled males spent 274.17 ±13.1 seconds in the closed arms. I ignored the fact that the handled females spent significantly more time in the closed arms than the non-handled females, even though I though it was strange. In my discussion wrote the same interpretation that you see above about the correct results. This was a mistake and I now realize that my initial interpretation of the incorrect data is supported by the correct
We decided to measure the subject’s pulse and respiratory rates whilst sitting down because there would be no additional stress on their heart, which would increase their heart rate. Their heart rate should also return to its resting heart rate due to the decrease of muscle use.
(Marieb and Hoehn, 2010, p 703) defined Blood Pressure (BP) as ‘the force per unit area exerted on a vessel wall by the contained blood, and is expressed in millimetres of mercury (mm Hg)’. BP is still one of the essential and widely used assessment tools in healthcare settings. Nurses generally record the arterial BP which is the forced exerted blood that flows through the arteries, to establish a baseline and to determine any risk factors. BP
at the beginning of this study, due to the short period of time between testing. However,