
Spirit Of Health Study Essay

Decent Essays

Just by looking at the images from the Spirit of Health study there is an obvious difference. On one set of cells the size and shape completely changed. Twenty minutes after the cell phone call was made the cells clumped together becoming two to three times bigger than the original. One reason the cells could be clumping together is because of lack of oxygen and death of the cells. The proximity of the cells to the mobile phone could by one reason the cells are dying but in children the radiation would travel much further theoretical killing many more cells. In a study conducted by Nora Volkow, the Head of National Institute on Drug Abuse, a PET scanner was used to look at the brain activity while having a phone next to a subject’s head. The study …show more content…

Again, as with all the other instances the effect would only be greater on children due to their thinner skull and less effective blood brain barrier. In examining the image from the Penn State study the tail of a DNA strand will be measured, this tail is the breakage of the DNA due to radiation. The area of the breakage in the DNA from the x-ray is less than double the size of that from mobile phone radiation, which is significant since, per many allegations, the radiation is supposed to have no effect on cells. The overall area of the unexposed DNA has decreased by over 50\% which means that much of the sample has been damaged and has broken off. When using MATLAB image segmentation function an even more obvious difference is shown. Image segmentation breaks the image down into small parts making even minute differences more obvious. Figure 1 shows the difference between the unexposed DNA on the top and the Figure 2 shows DNA exposed to 2 hours of 2.45 Ghz of microwaves. The tail of the DNA is the breakage of the covenant bonds in the DNA, this could possibly lead to sporadic

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