
St. Luke's Annual Report Sample

Decent Essays

“Enter to Learn. Go Forth to Serve.” Emblazoned above the front door of Saint Luke’s School, this motto encompasses the goal of every member of the Saint Luke’s community. This private school is located in New Canaan, CT and educated students from all over Fairfield County. In an area with plenty of other private schools to invest in, what makes St. Luke’s stand out is the quality of its faculty, a focus on character within the community, and a track record of constant growth.

As you will see in the attached fact sheet, the faculty to student ratio is 1:8. With an average class size of 12, every student has access to the individual learning and faculty guidance they need. On top of that, St. Luke’s boasts an impressive number of former college professors and PhD holding faculty in all departments. …show more content…

Luke’s is the bond shared within the community. The student body is well known for its sportsmanship, academic honesty, and kindness. Students form strong bonds with each other and the faculty, which contributes to St. Luke’s student retention rate of 91%, and the great satisfaction rate reported by alumni.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, St. Luke’s has had a great track record of growth, with new additions to the facilities approximately every 4 years. The school is dedicated to providing the best environment to foster learning for its students, and with a state-of-the-art Science Wing completed 2 years ago and a new English Wing breaking ground in March, you can be guaranteed that St. Luke’s will only get better.

Thank you for taking the time to consider Saint Luke’s, and I look forward to hearing from

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