
Statement Of Education In Applied Clinical Psychology

Decent Essays

In my role as a psychology student, I would be supposed to assist individuals from diverse backgrounds in a variety of contexts. This definitely leads towards broad exposure and then professional experience. Working with humans with their diverse backgrounds enables psychologists to develop more objective judgement about psychological problems. There is an additional point of understanding about dynamics of psychological ailments. It gives you the holistic grip of application of different approaches in the psychology.
As far as applied psychology is concerned, practitioners are supposed to work with various kinds of problems occurring in human lives which allows them to become more efficient and more confident with their applied work. The reasons why I want to pursue my education in Applied Clinical Psychology is my aptitude in it.
Being an empathetic person I feel myself fit for this profession. Spending my own life in ups and downs makes me able to deal with emotional distress and better coping strategies. I can make my client learn better and easier.
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What I can anticipate maximum may be cultural barrier. Though I am being educated with western literature and developed a certain level of familiarity with west culture, secondly it could be overcome with by actually experiencing it. Where I can utilize my learning skills and adaptability to adjust furthermore. Last but not least, it could be my passion and dream fulfilment to study abroad can help me to accommodate it more.
Why I would like to be a clinical psychologist is quite explained above and I hope you can relate with it better. Specifically, I would like to be educated at doctoral level because education is like never ending process. The more you are educated the more you strive for it. Additionally I have mentioned the importance of being expert of any specific thing and contributing it into the

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