
Stereotypes In Pink Ghetto

Decent Essays

From the text, Airbrush Nation, comes a section on “Pink Ghetto”. The pink ghetto is a job that predominantly women work at. For example, women’s magazines are run by mostly women. There is a stereotype in this work setting that it is just like high school with queen bees as editors and everyone else, such as writers, are under them and treated with lesser value. Some bloggers confirm this and some deny it. It is safe to say this stereotype depends on which magazine company you work for. Over the years, magazines have changed to lure in new readers and keep the consecutive readers happy. A magazine’s message started to change. As Airbrushed Nation says “Magazines blast us with cover lines that presume we need self-improvement, that we’re not good enough as is, but we can be if we read the articles and advice within their pages” (Nelson 38). This can relate to unhealthy self-respect. Magazines make it seem like we need to be their version of “perfect” by following their tips and doing as they say. The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem gives its opinion on self-respect. “It is not the delusion that we are ‘perfect’ or superior to everyone else… It is the conviction that our life and well-being are worth acting to support, protect, and nurture” (Branden 37). Magazines are …show more content…

They make readers seem they need improving by the advice that they give, they tell fake stories, and they give free perfume samples to lure in customers. Magazines are putting in free perfume samples, at no charge to them, to bait customers in with a nice smell. As Airbrushed Nation says, “scientific studies show scent can sweeten pleasant feelings, reduce anxiety, change perception, and trigger memory and desire” (Nelson 48). These perfume freebees really work to get the attention of possible customers. Whether the idea is causing allergic reactions, or luring in new customers, the magazine companies only want one thing, more money from more

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