
Steve Jobs' Big Five Personality Dimension

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Steve Jobs’ Big Five Personality Dimension

1. Customers don’t know what they want.
The controversial start when the Steve Jobs come with this phrase “We built [the Mac] for ourselves. We were the group of people who were going to judge whether it was great or not. We weren't going to go out and do market research” and after more than ten years he come up with this phrase “A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them” which is contradicting to current trend of doing things. Generally it is not the way to do or invent things because without proper market research especially to the customer needs and wants, it is almost impossible for the product to be success. Usually the customer and environment will …show more content…

to have this secrecy they also need to invest more in hiring people and keep the people around them to not leak out the information.

3. Project a reality-distortion field.
Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google Inc., has said “He had this extraordinary depth. I have a PhD in this area, and he was so charismatic he could convince me of things I didn't actually believe” when he met Jobs. To be away from usual is not easy and Jobs manage to get away from the “usual” title by having the brilliant idea and have what it takes to influence people affected directly from what in his mind. Not everyone can make this because this characteristic will need you to have more than what you can see and projection to the future as in reality of today. Ordinary people will unlikely to have this kind of thinking because of the hidden risk that comes across in their mind. The legendary myth of more cost will be acquired in order to invent product will make them withdraw their idea. Matching the reality on what we have today and what will happen in the future somehow determine the success of the future but Jobs see more than that because he always think what other people might not think.
4. Micromanage every detail.
Either a complement or not, Fortune says Jobs as “a corporate dictator who makes every critical decision — and oodles of seemingly noncritical calls, too.” Managing almost everything from small to all major

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