
Steve Jobs and His Apple Essay example

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On October 5, 2011 Steve Jobs passed away in his home in Palo Alto California; Jobs had been battling pancreatic cancer since 2003. Steve brought so much different technological advancement that most people use everyday without knowing who created them. Everything that Jobs created, he did because he understood what his customers wanted, and where the market was going. Steve Jobs believed in all of his products and innovations he sold to people, and had faith in the people he worked with was what really shaped Apple. After leaving the company and then returning, Steve Jobs’ influence made Apple one of the top computer companies in the world. It was Steve Jobs who made Apple leave the garage and make leaps and bounds in the world of …show more content…

Whilst Apple was in a state of decline, Jobs started-up a new computer company called NeXT, and purchased the computer graphics division of Lucasfilms, Pixar, from George Lucas for $10 million and started making commercials. Jobs contracted a deal with Disney for five feature films, the first Toy Story, was a hit and brought fame to Pixar when it was released in 1995 with Jobs as an executive producer. When the Disney contract was running out Jobs and Michael Eisner (then CEO of Disney) failed to negotiate a new contract with Disney while Pixar’s marketing director Pamela Kerwin believed that Jobs “had the brains, energy, and chutzpah to protect Pixar's interest. He enabled us to negotiate as equals,” (2). With NeXT, Jobs perused computer perfection along with an obsession for aesthetic perfection, focusing on every little detail of the computers appearance. Eventually, Jobs’ obsession placed strain on the company’s hardware department and NeXT stopped producing computers and commenced a full transition to software development. Alan Deutschman emphasizes that “Jobs was described as a ‘control freak’, ‘egomaniac’, and ‘fearsome tyrant’” (2). It was this obsession with aesthetic perfection that Jobs carried over into Apple when he was brought back, and gave Americans the famous iThings.
Todd Finkle and Michael Mallin wrote that in 1996 “Apple bought

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