
Stillbirth The Silent Delivery Room Essay

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Stillbirth the Silent Delivery Room

Childbirth what do we really know about childbirth and childbirth losses. There have been many books written about childbirth losses but those books barely cover the topics, or they tend to sequester the information. Although, there has been frequency, pregnancy and childbirth losses are not widely recognized or understood still in our culture. Most of our health care providers are reluctant to inform women of the possibility of loss. Some medical professional would state that this is understandably in today’s culture and society; so our health care providers are reluctant to discuss medical options until a problem occurs. Our healthcare professional such as doctors, nurses, administrators, etc. are the once who we trust. We trust them with our personal information and our health care. To hear that some if not most may be holding back important information that could affect our health and decision-making is a questionable practice.
I. What is Stillbirth
II. The Development Stages
III. Causes and Symptoms
IV. Diagnosis
V. Hospital/Healthcare Professional Role(s)
VI. Healthcare Executives/Administration
VII. Follow-Up
VIII. Conclusion/Recommendations

I. What is Stillbirth Childbirth what do we really know about childbirth and childbirth losses. There has been many books written about childbirth losses but those books barely cover the topics, or they tend to sequester the information. Although, there has been

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