
Stoichiometry Questions and Answers

Satisfactory Essays

Modbury High School SACE Stage 1 Chemistry Topic 5 Mole Concept and Stoichiometry Assignment 5: Volumetric analysis (titrations), stoichiometry SOLUTIONS Note: Write answers neatly and legibly in your exercise book or on pad paper. ALWAYS include a title and name for your work and clearly indicate each answer. 1. a) 23.08 and 23.00 mL are concordant titre values. Average titre = (23.08 + 23.00) = 23.04 mL 2 b) Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + 2H2O V = 23.04 mL C = 0.0934 M = 0.02304 L V = 20.0 mL C = ? = 0.0200 L …show more content…

systematic errors, which affect the accuracy of a set of measurements As only one titre was produced, random errors also affect the accuracy, such as: Technique of the

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