Introduction In conventional datacenters, there were two networks. One used for local area network which was built on Ethernet, was used by users to access applications running on servers. And the second one often built on Fiber channel, which connects servers to the storage module where mountains of data are stored. Both networks require huge capital investment, each requiring specialized hardware. Both networks have vastly different management tools, which require staff with different skill sets to build, maintain and manage. With the proliferation of datacenter, equipment density and power consumption became more critical than ever. Thus the cost of maintenance and total cost of ownership began to increase. With the introduction of cloud computing and server virtualization, the need for uniform designs rather than traditional three-tier-datacenter architecture became more inevitable. Even though the concept of 10Gb Ethernet has been envisioned for a long time, it was never put into practice. Surveys show that most of the companies still have less than 30 percent of their servers connected to 10Gb Ethernet. Enterprises rely on their infrastructure to provide many services. As the demand of services grew, enterprises had to scale their infrastructure. This resulted in an infrastructure sprawl due to the increase in number of servers, network and storage devices. This in turn resulted in increased costs, real estate, cooling requirements, management complexity etc.
Atlantic Computer is a manufacturer of servers and other high-tech products. Following the growth of the internet there has been an increase of demand for cheaper, Basic Segment Servers. Atlantic Computer, currently having a 20% market share in the High Performance Server market, has decided to expand their product range and enter the Basic Segment market. Their response to the projected 36% compound annual growth in demand for Basic Servers has come in the form of the “Atlantic Bundle”. A Basic Segment server, called “Tronn”, with an innovative software tool. “Performance Enhancing Service Accelerator”, or PESA, which would allow the Tronn to perform up to four times faster than its
Typical data centers can occupy from one room to a complete building. Most equipment are server-like mounted in rack cabinets. Servers differ in size from single units to large independently standing storage units which are sometimes as big as the racks. Massive data centers even make use of shipping containers consisting of 1000’s of servers. Instead of repairing individual servers, the entire container is replaced during upgrades.
Commercial data centers like Equinix and Amazon have to be judicious expanding capacity considering lengthy construction and heavy capital investment. A data center contains aisles and aisles of server cabinets thousands with each costing more than a quarter million containing 64 specialized laptop sized servers essentially a computer. Networking cabinets go together with server cabinets in order to electronically connect any server to another through high-speed fiber cables. The networking cabinets of today consume 25% of the useful floor space for IT cabinets but consist of 40% of the total cost. The data center is clamoring for IT gear that supports a new technology known as Network virtualization to address the conservation of space and
During your time with us you are going to meet an exciting team of leading engineers and business professionals who are as passionate about computer networking as you are. ISP/Internet, Networking, SDN and Servers/Cloud are in our DNA and in yours as well. We are a global leader in the data center industry and this is the reason the premier cloud providers in the world continue to partner with us.
This allows arranging IT resources in close proximity with one another, instead of keeping them geographically distributed. This allows for power sharing, higher efficiency in shared IT resource usage, and enhanced accessibility for IT personnel. These are the benefits that naturally popularized the Data Center concept. Modern data centers exist as specialized IT infrastructure used to house centralized IT resources, such as servers, databases, networking and telecommunication devices, and software systems.
Every few years corporate technology undergoes a transformation as new technologies come to market to meet the ever-changing business climate. One such change is hyper-converged infrastructure, a culmination and composite of several IT infrastructure trends, all of which provide value to today’s enterprise datacenter.
Modern data centers and hardware that focus on energy efficiency, high availability, security and scalability to provide a physical infrastructure for our new IT vision to grow
Stratoscale is focused on leveraging technology to help IT teams, within the service provider, make better and more profitable usage of existing infrastructures. Service Provider data center requirements are growing at an ever-increasing pace. In response to this changing and challenging landscape, Stratoscale has built a hardware-agnostic hyper-converged software solution that facilitates scale-out, simplifies operations and allows your IT infrastructure to keep up with your, and your customers’, business growth.
Abstract: Cloud Computing as a new enterprise model has become popular to provide on-demand services to user as needed. Cloud Computing is essentially powerful computing paradigm to deliver services over the network. Computing at the scale of the Cloud system allows users to access the enormous resources on-demand. However, a user demand on resources can be various in different time and maintaining sufficient resources to meet peak resource requirements all the time can be costly. Therefore, dynamic scalability which can also be called as elasticity is a critical key point to the success of Cloud Computing environment. Dynamic resizing is a feature which allows server to resize the virtual machine to fill the new requirement of resources in a cloud environment. Though there are enormous applications hosted on cloud now a days, but the next big thing which will be focused on will be the elasticity. In this paper, an effort has been put to explain the cloud elasticity concept and how it will benefit the Cloud implementers in reducing operation cost and also to improve the system’s performance as a whole.
A typical data center harbors many thousands of hosts. The architectures of data center networks are of two types. Data center network designs are
The data center industry is under a major transition. Big Software, IoT (Internet of Things), and Big Data are changing how operators must architect and deploy data center technologies. Traditional scale-up models of delivering monolithic software on big machines is being replaced by scale-out solutions that are delivered on disparate cloud services running on many machines and environments. This shift has forced data center operators to turn to the next generation of solutions that will improve operational efficiency while reducing costs. While it is difficult to predict which technologies will be in place in the coming years, there is no doubt organizations are looking to scale-out solutions as the future of IT operations and infrastructure deployments.
Americans today have seen the progression from old media to new media; majority, experiencing for themselves the transition from pagers to cell phones, cassettes to iPods, or paper maps to GPS devices. According to Henry Jenkins, who studies media convergence, this “Convergence [where old and new media collide] represents a cultural shift as consumers are encouraged to seek out new information and make connections among dispersed media content” (Jenkins 457). It is through the help of convergence that old media has developed into the new media Americans see today. The convergence of methods of storing files is an example of this. Storing files online, is taking the old media, a USB Flash Drive, and converging it into a new digital
Second and the most important challenge faced by the companies are the amount of energy required to manage data centres. All the data centres around the world use around 30 billion watts of energy on average, which is equal to output by 30 nuclear power plants [6]. By 2020 it is expected that, US datacentres
Through the employment of contemporary virtualization technologies, with the incorporation of advanced tools that expands the coverage of the systems administrator, the cost and labor of operations will be significantly lowered. Efficiency improvement will have a direct impact on operation costs of many institutions. Resources that could have been used in the buying and maintaining data center infrastructure will be used in citizen centered services and other new innovations that can go a long way to assist the citizen and ensure smooth running of the government. Therefore, cloud computing will be a driving force to ensuring efficiency in the way public resources are managed to the advantage of the people.