
Strategies For Implementation Of Health Care Reform Within Criminal Justice

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Strategies for implementation of Health Care Reform within Criminal Justice

Many correctional professionals believe that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have provided a major change to the way justice involved populations’ access health care in the community. Being able to secure health insurance especially Medicaid allowing more access to health care including behavioral health programs that will improve outcomes and positively impacts by reducing rates for returning to jail or prison. This should be an integral part of reentry programs. Having health insurance will augment the chance of successful reentry.

There are multiple strategies for implementing health care reform with criminal justice agencies at every …show more content…

Change of any system is process driven and requires the focus and attention from multiple sources. It will take a group of dedicated individuals who are willing to take on the challenges of implementing new ways of doing business. Assuring that everyone begins with the same understanding of both healthcare reform and the criminal justice system will be vital in making the appropriate system changes.

There are certain pieces of information that will be essential for understanding health care reform. For some, this will be a quick review of information that is already known. For others, some information may be new however assuring that everyone involved begins with the same knowledge will be important. This document will provide numerous links to resources that have been developed by federal agencies, state and local governmental entities, national associations and non-profit groups.

Step I – Knowing the basics

There has been much written about the changing health care environment as a result of the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (public Law 111-148). This bill created changes in the availability of health insurance by expanding coverage, holding insurance companies accountable while guaranteeing more choices. It including lowering health care costs for some individuals and expanded the Medicaid program in states. The expansion in Medicaid was intended to provide health coverage for

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