
Street Vendors In Chicago

Decent Essays

Food trucks are like shooting stars at lunchtime in the city of Chicago. Street vending in Chicago has a long history that is dating back to at nineteenth century. In Chicago there are 18 trucks feeding the streets of Chicago, dishing out sandwiches, sausages, tamales, tacos, and pancakes. According to Baruch, there are about 3 million people leaving in Chicago land area with 7000 restaurants and 90 different ethnic groups, it was quick to pick and choose what to include and what would appropriately fall under the guise of street food, since Chicago is not a push cart kind of town (Baruch). There were time in the city of Chicago where the street vendors and push carts used to ruled. Chicago’s street cuisine like that of the other big cities, get its identity from and flourished under, the vast influx of immigrants populations. …show more content…

Vending has been criminalized in many parts of the city, the vendors cats have been confiscated by police and been issued costly citations (Martin). While food truck vendors are said to promote Chicago’s culinary scene and enrich the city’s creativity, the discourse around the immigrant street vendors is markedly different despite the strong similarities in the labor being performed (Martin). Which I think was not fair because they should be able to sell the food that they represent. According to Dougherty, Chicago wraps food trucks in more red tape than perhaps any other major cities. Food-truck must prep their food at a licensed commercial kitchen, package and label it, and keep it either hot or refrigerated until it is sold. They are forbidden to cook on their

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