
Strength Of Symbolic Frame At Delta Airlines

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industry. An industry with a fast pace environment can easily deplete its resources and it has to be ready to cushion any potential blow that can hit it when resources are low. Lastly on the organizational frames is the symbolic frame. Symbolic frame represents the image of the organization to the outside world. The core value of an organization is communicated clearly through its symbol. This value is the culture which are related to the vision, history, rituals, ceremonies that is attached to an organization. Many organization has symbols that depicts the nature of the service they provide and some symbols are inspired by situations or tales that led to the founding of the organization.

The strengths of Symbolic frame at Delta Airlines date back to the early years of the organization. In the words of an aviation pioneer, CE Woolman, one of the four founders of Delta, he said "we believe that an airline has a responsibility to the public over and above the price of ticket." This is a symbolic fundamentals that has reflects the foundation of the organization. CE Woolman believed people should treat their customers the way they want to be treated. It has reflected the slogan of the Delta Airline "A service and hospitality from the heart through team work." This are major strengths that has driven the company dating back to the early years of the organization. A weakness to the symbolic frame is the ever changing airline industry of the twenty-first century that alter the

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