
Stress Self Assessment

Decent Essays

When a self-assessment quiz was assigned I was curious of what the outcome would reveal. The quiz consisted of various questions relating to my responses to specific situations that required a truthful answer in order to determine how I manage stress. The results of my stress self-assessment stated I have scored between 5 and 25. My score indicates that I exhibit normal levels of stress and due to my lifestyle my body can manage stress in a way that is non-aggressive. It also states “think carefully about the lifestyle choices you make, and take time to relax every day” (Stress Management Society, n.d.). I was pleasantly surprised by the results of the quiz and felt a little more comfortable with the choices I make to address stressful situations …show more content…

According to the lecture notes in week one course material, stress is responsible for the increase in the amount of hormones such as dopamine and epinephrine that are released in the body and how they affect neurotransmitters. The notes continue to further explain that “These neurotransmitters flow through every aspect of the body and with normal hormone input that stress can put strain on the blood vessels supplying blood to the heart and as well as impact the overall immune system” leaving the body susceptible to infection and in a weakened state (GCU, 2013). The signs that I recognize in myself that I am stressed and need to address before they worsen are headaches, inability to eat, and an abnormal desire to sleep more …show more content…

I was pleased to learn this week that “Anything that allows you to disengage from your thoughts can help you relax” (Eller, 2010). For the past 7 years my husband and I have entertained a small group of lifelong friends in our home on a weekly basis and equally important to my well-being I engage in walks with the family pet. When my week does not go as planned and I feel my stress levels rising I know that I have that time put aside to spend with my family and

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