
Stretching Research Paper

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According to Harvard Health, “Stretching is important because it keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints.” If we do not stretch our muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage.
Stretching exercises can be carried out as an individual training to enhance the flexibility of a muscle or as a warm-up planned to avoid injury and prepare the body for workout to pursue. According to Harvard Health some important rules to stretching include:
• A person should warm-up previous to stretching to enhance the blood flow. (The …show more content…

The hamstrings also cross your hip joint in the back of your thigh, and also are responsible for extension in your leg for running and walking. According to Verywell Fit and Brett Sears, a physical therapist, research is constantly being done to evaluate the effectiveness of stretching. Reasons for stretching the hamstring muscles:
• Preventing or treating low back pain
• Improve overall mobility. Maintaining mobility in your legs and thighs can also help you maintain optimal athletic performance.
• Stretching the hamstrings after athletic activity can help decrease delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in these muscles. Michaelle Edwards from the Huffington Post states, “Stretching the hamstring muscles will not make them longer because the tension or contraction of a muscle is under control of the nervous system. You simply cannot make a muscle longer by pulling on it”. Hamstrings are attached to other parts of the body, and reality is that all parts affect the whole. There are reasons that some people feel we should not stretch the hamstrings such as:
• People may injure their spine and lower …show more content…

• People could rupture discs doing stretches for the hamstrings. People with strong functional back and gluteal muscles may have trouble bending over with straight knees because their extensor chain works efficiently. Keeping your hamstring muscles and back muscles tight is good for the body. This is not a problem unless one believes the flexibility myth that being able to touch the toes without bending the knees is a good indication of health and agility. Those who are unable to do this pose are labeled inflexible and it is the hamstring muscles that become the ‘fall guy’ for the so-called “inflexibility”. Although there are many different feelings on whether hamstring muscles should or should not be stretched the fact is that athletes stretch and that if they are going to stretch it needs to be done properly.
Here are some Hamstring Muscle Stretches:
The Simple Hamstring

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