There are many countries that have strict gun laws which help with gun deaths. Japan and Singapore have the strictest rules regarding gun ownership. In Japan to own a gun you need to get background checks, drug and mental tests, as well as formal instruction and this, could take as long from days to weeks. In Singapore, Civilians are not allowed to have guns at all. If they want to target shoot, they must get a License and permit ownership. They also have to make sure that it is securely stored in an approved and protected firing range, and is not taken out of the firing range without special permission. Because of these rules and policies put in place Singapore and japan’s annual death by gun count, combined, is not higher than 10. America
Although people against gun regulations argue that guns are what keeps us safe, there was a study done by New York City cardiologists which states that the U.S. has 88 guns per 100 people, but there are about 10 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people which is more than any of
Did you know that in the United States almost 100,000 people are shot or killed with a gun in one year? Ten thousand, five hundred and twenty-seven people die a year in handgun related incidents in the United States. This number, by far, outweighs the number of gun related deaths in countries such as Sweden, Great Britain, and Japan, which number thirteen, twenty-two, and eighty-seven, respectively. What is the reason for such drastic differences in numbers? Sweden, Great Britain, and Japan are all countries that have stricter gun control laws than the US. Mind you, these are just the number of deaths caused by handgun related incidents; however, that isn’t counting the thousands of deaths caused by
The United States is one of the few countries were the right to bear arms is protected by the constitution. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most violent with incidents involving guns this year reaching an estimated 36,212 and an approximate 9,050 deaths (“Gun Violence Archive”). There are an estimated 310 million firearms in households across American, these are only estimates because current gun laws do not require them to be registered or tracked. A more staggering estimate is that most of the guns owned by private citizens are semi-automatic guns, the same type of gun used in almost all mass shootings. While these privately owned guns are legally purchased, many times, they land in the hands of criminals, and owners never report them stolen. Mass shootings and gun crimes are not the only issues with gun violence the one never talked about is suicide, more guns available equals more suicides. The United States is one of the easiest countries to own a gun legally or illegally, stricter gun control laws are necessary.
Too many Americans die due to firearms. “New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof this past summer wrote an impassioned call for gun control that included a recounting of horrific gun-related statistics. Since 1968, he noted, more people have died from guns in the U.S. than on the battlefields of all the wars in American history combined” (“Technology” -Gralla 6). This country is supposed to
The most dangerous technology in existence in the world today are guns. Looking back at history we use them in the war to kill people. Throughout the world, guns have been the leading cause of deaths every year. We as American must change of how we regulate weapons throughout our country. The only way I think that this can be changed is by having stricter gun laws. Such as, looking at the amount of ammo to carry and even strict laws of selling automatic weapons to stop mass killings. Since the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut I was thinking about how the weapons were around the kids, and what destruction it caused. These children are the future of our community, but if they are getting killed then how are they going to better the community
Over time politicians are always looking for new things to make laws about and regulate. This is no different with guns. Overall the democratic party tends to be in favor of stricter gun laws, with wanting more regulations placed on legal ownership of firearms rather than criminals. The Republican party has tended to be less focused on restricting gun ownership. The first politician that comes to mind when I think of gun regulations is Kevin de Leon from the California Senate. He is very left wing and very uninformed when it comes to guns. Just last June, Mr. Leon wanted to pass 11 more restrictions or laws on legal gun owners. “Large ammunition clips: Bans possession of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 bullets. Bullet buttons:
Gun control does not prevent homicide. A relatively small amount of people are killed by guns more killed by traffic accidents, heart disease, and even the flu. From 1980 to 2009 a ban on assault rifles did not affect the homicide rate at a state level in the United States. In fact Mexico, one of the strictest countries on gun control, has a rate of 9.97 gun related homicides per 100,000 people while the United States has a rate of 2.97(UNODC). Actually guns count for a mere 1.3% of all deaths internationally(Small Arms Survey). That includes all accidental deaths as well as homicides. The United States is ranked number 28 International for total number of homicides per 100,000 people. If you count only gun related homicides the United States was ranked number 59 In 2015(Small Arms Survey). In the United States guns are ranked as the only the 12 cause of death with a total of 533,879 deaths between 1990 and 2015( The leading cause of death now is heart disease(cdc).
Firstly, with the regulation of guns, everyday liberties could be in jeopardy. When Adolf Hitler took over Germany, he “banned gun ownership for the Jews” (Root, 2). The Jews were a targets for German hatred and as a result he purposely left them defenseless in a world of violence. With no weapons, they could not fight back against the troops, which then further enabled Hitler to dominate them without worries of a retaliation. If Americans were granted strict gun control laws, who is to say those with guns would not further oppress those they deem as unworthy or useless? Who is going to stop them from crushing the innocent like simple roaches who wonder in the filth of our homes? Everyone puts up front, a front that may fake the feeling of
It’s cool to have it or not but often forgot to talk about common grounds on why there should not be strict laws on guns. For several decades, anytime there is a mass shooting, robbery and assignations, the issue of strict gun laws or gun control comes into question and people across the aisle and residents always rally together to see what could be done to reduce murder rate. People who are affected or lose their loved ones cry day in day out to see what could be done to gun violence but it's hard to pass a strict law on guns because huge amount of guns owned by Americans is very difficult to take away just like that. We should not also forget 2nd amendment; the rights to
As of November 29, 2016, there have been a total of 13,528 deaths and 27,894 injuries in the US that were caused by gun violence this year. This is an alarming statistic, especially when you consider that 354 mass shootings have contributed to the body count. 1952 of these deaths have been labeled accidental, which is almost as startling as the death toll itself. (@GunDeaths) Gun violence is a problem that is not going to go away unless there is action taken to combat it. A lack of gun education, weak gun regulation, and government indifference towards gun violence in the country has allowed gun violence to become a bit out of control in the modern era, but with proper gun education for students and an effective government strategy to reduce gun violence, we can reduce gun violence in the US rapidly.
Should there be gun control? Should there be restrictions on guns? No, there should not be gun control or a restriction on guns. Gun control laws don't deter crime; gun ownership deters crime. Also guns don't kill people, people kill people. There needs to be a person that thinks it's okay to kill a person to pull the trigger.
Gun control should not be so strict no one can have a gun. Gun control should be controlled in a certain way. I understand why you cannot have a RPG but you should be able to have a hunting rifle or something like a pistol.
There were 327 public mass shootings within America in 2015, in all killing 475 innocent people and even wounding 1,870. As of present day America, this issue has began to exacerbate. Since the past couple of years not only has the number of gun ownership grown, but so have the crime rate within using guns have increased. Numerous people have advocated to slowly recover this issue. Which is why public gun laws should have a greater amount of restrictions because more controlled laws would reduce gun deaths, in addition to that stricter public gun laws would prevent the number of legally owned guns stolen by criminals and would reduce societal costs that are associated with gun violence.
Kelto writes that, when the amount of US gun deaths is compared to those found in countries in the six regions of the world, “in five out of [the] six regions, it would be right near the top in terms of gun deaths per 100,000 people (Kelto, 2015). It should be noted that most, if not all of these countries with low gun related homicides, have strict gun control measures. For example, as Jonathan Masters of details, Australia instituted “the National Agreement on Firearms [that] all but prohibited automatic and semiautomatic assault rifles, stiffened licensing and ownership rules, and instituted a temporary gun buyback program that took some 650,000 assault weapons (about one-sixth of the national stock) out of public circulation” (Masters, 2015). Masters also provides an overview of Japan’s strict gun control regime. Japan’s gun control framework places heavy restrictions on what firearms are legally permissible, allowing only “shotguns, air guns, guns that have research or industrial purposes, or those used for competitions” (Masters, 2015). In order for a citizen to gain full access to these weapons, they “must obtain formal instruction and pass a battery of written, mental, and drug tests and a rigorous background check” and also, after completing the aforementioned measures, “inform the authorities of how the weapon and ammunition is stored and provide the firearm for annual inspection” (Masters, 2015). In the US, either at the state or federal level, there should be a conversation about gun control measures similar to the ones found in these countries and others, for the sake of decreasing gun related
The answer is fairly simple: government mandated gun education and training in schools. The United States Federal Government should require all children to undergo training with guns in school as a required course for graduation. This follows in the footsteps of Switzerland, where all citizens are required to join the military and learn how to shoot a gun. And of course, there’s evidence to show that it works. According to a 2011 U.N. report, there were about 10 times more gun-related homicides in the States than there were in Switzerland. There were 5 gun-related homicides for every 100,000 citizens in America, compared to a total of 0.5 gun-related homicides for every 100,000 citizens in Switzerland. Some may argue that this huge disparity is due to the difference in gun ownership between the two countries, but the numbers show that isn't exactly the case. According to