
Stroger University Evaluation Themes

Satisfactory Essays

EVALUATION COMMON THEMES Yesterday, in an email message to the NEO presenters, I mentioned three common themes that I noticed on past evaluations forms regarding areas to improve: 1. Location/Logistics 2. Length of Session 3. Lack of Interaction/Involvement CURRENT LOCATION: HEKTOEN AUDITORIUM “Please update restroom facilities. They are gross and disgusting. “The location was a little beat up. Maybe some new paint and plaster.” These are a few comments from new employees regarding their first day/first impression working at CCHHS. The presenters talk about keeping the campus and clinics clean for patients. However, our new employees sit in a room that is not in the best condition. In the auditorium, many seats are so worn that new employees see the seat cushions and coils (pictures attached) versus the seat fabric. The lighting is poor and it is difficult to see the PowerPoints slides. Finally, the ladies restroom stalls don’t have locks on the doors and plastic bags are used to tie toilet tissue rolls to the doors versus placing the toilet tissue rolls in dispensers. Is this the …show more content…

Our future situation is the new building won’t be ready until 2018. I am very confident that everyone will appreciate and enjoy the new building. However, in the meantime, what do we do to make the orientation experience better? Our temporary situation could be the UIC West Campus with great space as well as reasonable pricing: • BIG Space $315/Day (up to 180 theater style) (pictures attached) • Small Space $135/Day (up to 90 theater style) (pictures attached) Note: We must use UIC Catering: $9.99 per person for continental breakfast or $20 per dozen (e.g., bagels or muffins or pastries, etc.) and $25 per gallon of coffee (serves 16 people). We have an average of 40 new employees: continental breakfast $399.00 or A La Carte $155.00. OTHER TEMPORARY

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