
Student Athlete Benefits

Decent Essays

What do you think about school athletics? I believe that should be a part of an athletic program. Sports give you a generous amount of benefits. I have multiple sources to support my statement. On the field, you learn skills that can also be used in class. It is proven that athletes earn exceptional academic results. You also get social benefits too. Also, sports teams unite the student body and give people some school pride. Student athletes are prone to more college and job opportunities. Sportsmen are generally more confident and have more self-esteem. Benefits and success are results of athletics, so you should definitely try it!
Despite the fact that athletes are usually busy, superior academic results are often associated with sports. …show more content…

When we were young, we all thought getting degrees and a career would be easy, but we never thought about how to get there. If you want to go to college and obtain an exceptional education, you should do sports. Paying for an education is tough, but if you work toward your goals, you will receive a scholarship. Every college scouts for athletes to represent their team. As I said earlier, sports benefit academics; so, if you are a talented athlete and you do well in school, your resume will attract colleges from all around. "But sports do offer a unique advantage: college admissions boards know the time and commitment that go into being part of a team sport" says Campus Explorer. The probability of getting accepted into great schools will effectively increase for you! It is also more likely that you will pull a higher paying job and more opportunities. Being involved in athletics will boost your chances of getting further education and a job you …show more content…

Though sports are amazing and are beneficial, it's not for everyone. A notable amount of people are already busy as it is and have trouble fitting sports into his/her schedule. Financial problems can make it difficult to support their child in the sport. "So, the average cost for sports participation was $400 per child. For many families, that cost is out of reach," said Sarah Clark, associate research scientist at the University's Child Health Evaluation Arts and other activities could already be the main focus of a student. Certain diseases and chronic conditions may prevent someone from being allowed to take part. Though benefits come with playing a sport, not everyone should do it, but I encourage you to take part in some other

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