
What Is Expressiveness In Translation

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III. Expressiveness
The principle of Da, also known as expressiveness, literally means that the translating work should successfully and fluently convey the original meaning and cultural context. A. Introduction to the Expressiveness
Xu Yuanchong considers that, translation is an art that the translator uses one language form to convey the content another language form has expressed (Xu Yuanchong, 1984) (the author’s translation). It is the solution to the contradiction between the original content and the target form. The contradiction should be that the translator uses expressive target form to deliver the original content faithfully. The process of translating includes three parts: understanding the original, expressing in target language, and perfecting the target. …show more content…

To help the target reader fully understand the content of the original, the translator needs to adapt expressive target form. What Xu Yuanchong means expressiveness refers to expressive target form. When transforming from original language into target language, the translator has to use the manner of writing accepted by the target reader. Therefore, he has to greatly discard the original form. Yet, if we cannot keep the artistic charm by doing so, or we can preserve the artistic charm without doing so, then we should give up the form and keep the content, or discard the original form and retain the artistic charm. We know that in translation process it is impossible to get the translation absolutely authentic to the original, and loss of information is often seen in

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