Out of all the submaximal exercise tests listed, I would prefer to use the treadmill, cycle, or step test protocols over the field test methods. Submaximal testing is an effective way to gauge an individual’s physical fitness level. While maximal fitness tests possess greater risks for injury, submaximal tests have lower injury rates and are more efficient in several different areas. Submaximal testing protocols include lower testing costs, allow more participants to be tested at once, and do not need medical supervision (Bishop, 2014). Overall, submaximal exercise testing seems to be more beneficial for nonathletic populations compared to maximal exercise testing.
When comparing different types of submaximal tests, filed tests do not seem to be as effective as other submaximal testing protocols. A few popular field tests include the 1.5 mile run, Cooper 12 minute distance test, and the Rockport walk test (Bishop, 2014). Although these field tests are used by many health and fitness professionals, there are two primary problems they possess. The first problem is how they require
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These protocols possess more accurate results for practitioners by allowing them to control numerous variables of the tests. Some of these variables include step rate, treadmill incline, and revolutions per minute (Bishop, 2014). Not only are these controllable factors beneficial for practitioners, but for the participants as well. Since all individuals are not advised to exercise at maximal intensities, being able to control the pace at which the participant preforms the test will help educate them on the proper exercise intensity for their body (Bishop, 2014). These are some reasons why I think submaximal fitness testing can be more effective than maximal fitness testing, and why some submaximal testing methods are better than
The Wingate Anaerobic Test is used to evaluate anaerobic cycling performance. This study was undertaken to determine whether there is a relationship between peak power and fatigue index for endurance (n=9) vs power (n=4) athletes. A total of 13 subjects, including 8 males and 5 females, were included in the study. The subjects were divided into sporting types, such as endurance and power. Data collected from the Wingate test included peak power (W), mean power (W), time to peak (S), minimum power (W) and fatigue index (%). When the peak power and fatigue index were considered together for endurance athletes, a significant relationship
The benchmarking data is used when you want to compare your fitness tests. This data is gathered from a number of studies that allows you to see a normal range of results and allows you to make a judgement against a data that you have collected. Data will be generally put into a number of categories, including age and gender, which means that you will be able to compare your results with similar groups. Benchmarking data can also be used to compare your results with elite sports performers. By using benchmarking data you will be able to develop a fitness plan including target setting.
A persons lung capacity can determine someone’s exercise level because if you have a larger lung capacity it allows your body to take in more oxygen which gives your muscles more energy which means you can do exercise for a longer amount of time.
After reviewing the data from the fitnessgram state test, the students need to improve their fitness levels. Between the six different fitness components, the assessments showed that students are struggling the
(2014). A Consideration of the Paradigm of Exercise Physiology. Research In Sports Medicine, 22(3), 314-322.
The beep test, which gives a good indication of aerobic fitness through the use of a VO2 Max rating in order to determine the standard scores. According to Figure 12.6 on page 234, my pre-training beep test result was rated as poor with an approximate VO2 Max of 38.85. Through the use of Figure 12.55 on page 260, my result from the Creatine Phosphate Recovery Test also shows that my ATP-CP system was not developed to a standard which typical middle players, in touch football, would be. Along with the beep test and the phosphate recovery test, the glycolic agility test was only rated fair according to Figure 12.50 on page 256. These three tests show that I am not fit to be playing in the middle or link positions as my agility and aerobic fitness is not up to standard. Figure 12.36 on page 248 tells me that my sit and reach result has a rating of fair. This tells us that I may be prone to injury and will not have a great range of motion within my running technique. Finally, the 40-metre sprint was my best test result coming out with an average rating according to Figure 12.52 on page 257. This test result suggests that wing may be my best position in touch football. This is because I am close to the speed required, but not the aerobic endurance and agility needed for the middle and link
As an individual who does not exercise on a regular basis, my results overall were quite poor, with a post-test average percentage of 32.5%, but it was still an improvement over my pre-test average of 22.9%. To analyse these results, I shall begin with the smaller components, to get a closer look at my shortcomings, improvements and why my results are generally unsatisfactory.
Benefits of FitnessGram testing including allowing students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, monitor their progress, and provide initiatives for students
Introduction: In this experiment, cardiovascular fitness is being determined by measuring how long it takes for the test subjects' to return to their resting heart rate. Cardiovascular fitness is the ability to "transport and use oxygen while exercising" (Dale 2015). Cardiovascular fitness utilizes the "heart, lungs, muscles, and blood working together" while exercising (Dale 2015). It is also how well your body can last during moderate to high intensity cardio for long periods of time (Waehner 2016). The hypothesis is that people who exercise for three or more days will return to their resting heart rate much faster than people who only exercise for less than three days.
The protocol is easy to conduct because all the individual needs to do is press start on the treadmill and then the session can start; it is also easy to set up because you only need a treadmill in your chosen sport. This test is also good because it can be used to measure the maximal hear rate of an individual during a workout, this is done by having a gas analyser, breathe through it, using the amount of carbon dioxide breathed out it can work out what the maximal heart rate is. This can then be used to work out the workload intensity that the performer is required to work at. Though it is a good laboratory test, it can’t used in all environments because of the equipments needed to conduct the test for example you need a suitable environment such as a gym or sports hall where you can place the treadmill, you can’t have it on a field, it also would take time to set up compared to other fitness tests if the required equipment wasn’t available along with a lot of money just to get the equipment for the
The module in Exercise Testing & Prescription I is an 18 credit fundamental learning module on NQF level 5 which prepares the student to test readiness for exercise and prescribe individualised exercise programmes for apparently healthy individuals. The student will be able to apply his/her knowledge of foundational principles in exercise testing and prescription for apparently healthy individuals. Both field and laboratory testing will be learnt to facilitate the assessment / interpretation of health and skill related components of fitness. Principles in exercise prescription using technological equipment and software will be learnt in accordance to the FIIT principle to improve functional performance and health promotion. Learner will be
To start the procedure, the participants appeared to the laboratory at separate times. First they had to familiarize themselves with investigators, instruments, and instructions of the tests. Second, they had to take test 1, the moderate aerobic exercise and then the SIE test, which was the
The results of this test show that it provides a valid test to estimate aerobic capacity and shows there is a small measurement of error. A polar heart rate monitor was used to measure the heart rate with a step of 30cm in height with a metronome with a beat at 15 steps, per minute and increased by 5 steps every minute for 5 stages or until 80% of the maximum estimated heart rate was reached. The results demonstrated that the Chester Step technique is a valid predictor of aerobic capacity in males and females from a wide range of ages and fitness levels.
Measurement of aerobic/anaerobic capacity allows evaluation of individual’s metabolic abilities, indicates state of fitness and effectiveness of training programs.
Starting point: Fitness testing is the starting point for improvement in the future, one of the first benefits in physical testing is understanding your results and understanding where you stand, your strengths and weaknesses, how you’re going to design an efficient training program etc. it gives a insight of what you need to work on for further improvement, an Example for fitness testing includes cross country. For the cross many fitness components are used e.g. cardiorespiratory system which efficiently provides oxygen to the working muscles in the body. The testing required for cardiorespiratory testing Is the beep test, the beep test will help to successfully determine the state of you breathing in distance achieved and how far you can withstand and the pace you’re able to