Milestone Three: Rough Draft
Letetia Humphries
Southern New Hampshire University
Problem Statement According to Alternatives in Treatment: (Transitioning Back into Life after Rehab) as of 2010, approximately 8.9 percent of American teenagers and adults over age 12 were using illicit drugs. Some use more than one illegal substance or combine drug use with alcohol. This is most likely to occur in young adults under age 25, who have the highest rates of combined alcohol and drug abuse disorders. More than 23.5 million Americans — or one in 10 Americans over age 12 struggles with addiction to drugs or alcohol (Partnership at, 2014). The challenge for these individuals is being able to utilize their
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Research indicates that 53 percent of individuals who experience the disease of drug addiction also experience at least one mental illness (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2003). In considering this, one this could also take into account the relation to drug addiction/mental illness and the impact of both on decision-making. The mental health treatment should encompass coping and decision- making skills. Cognitive psychology and the classical decision making utility theory are applicable to the problem statement; in addition the research question at hand. According to Sternberg & Sternberg (2016), the examination of decision making in drug abusers identified a number of areas involved in risky …show more content…
(2014). Dysfunctions of decision-making and cognitive control as transdiagnostic mechanisms of mental disorders: advances, gaps, and needs in current research. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 2341-57,
Knight, D., Dansereau, D., Becan, J., Rowan, G., & Flynn, P. (2015). Effectiveness of a theoretically-based judgment and decision making intervention for adolescents. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 44(5), 1024-1038
Sternberg R. J., Sternberg, K. (2016) Cognitive Psychology (7th ed) Cengage Learning Boston, MA
Van der Westhuizen, M. A. (2015). Relapse prevention for chemically addicted adolescents in recovery: So which model works?. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work, 12(4), 400- 411.
Verdejo-Garcia, A., Albein-Urios, N., Martinez-Gonzalez, J., Civit, E., Torre, R., & Lozano,
Pt. was admitted to the AMS of DE program suffering from opiate addiction with two previous outpatient treatment services. Pt. reported that he started using heroin in 2000 on a daily basis by route of IV and he last used in 2008. Pt. reported a substance abuse hx of alcohol x 33 years, opiates x 8 years, benzos x 20 years, cocaine x 21 years, nicotine x 23 years. PCP x 21 years and cannabis x 23 years. At the time of his discharge, Pt. lost his job and he was living with his
In the case of the adolescent male, John who comes from a well to do family and the personal challenges he has experienced which include severe learning and behavioral disabilities, substance abuse problems and a history of delinquency, I have niece who comes from a good family and she’s travel the road with drugs. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why my niece had a substance abuse issue her parents don’t drink or smoke, there were behavioral and academic challenges which existed. I always told my sister that giving this child everything was not a good idea. My sister would not allow anyone to spank her or tell my niece she was wrong and on top of that this child would roll her eyes at people and think it was funny. This was a red
Mr. Greene is a fifty-one-year-old black male, who started using crack- cocaine at thirty-two-years-old and is now twelve years clean. Bryan Sapp was a twenty-year-old white male that died of a heroin overdose whose addiction started at age twelve. Addiction does not discriminate. There are several different causes of addiction, lack of purpose, stress caused by trauma, unmet needs, and boredom are some of them (Rosen 23). On an average 40-60% of people struggling with addiction relapse. There are several different types of rehabilitations for addiction but, there is no cure. In our over medicated society that has led us to this war against addiction, alternative medications are not the alternative therapy to addiction.
One day when Wes was chasing his sister, Nikki, he finally caught her and didn’t know what to do, so he punched her. This angered his mother, Joy, because her first husband was a violent alcoholic who used to beat her when he was drunk. Wes explains that he has two memories about his father, the first of which was when his father talked to him about hitting his sister and the second was when he died. Wes’s father wasn’t feeling well one day, so he got taken to the hospital. The doctors didn’t know what was causing his symptoms, so they sent him home and told him to rest. He ended up having acute epiglottis and died that night. The death of Wes’s father was very hard for Wes because he became the man of the house at a very young age.
On 10/29/2017 at 1837 hours, I was dispatched to 200 Ogden Rd. Apt A, for a report of an unwanted person; however, the male left the residence prior to my arrival. Upon my arrival, I spoke with Carmella Rome-Giannone.
I had found a colleague who has an ex-partner facing a battle with addiction to several substances and agreed with me that it is a managable disease. Her partner has tried both AA and NA with no long term success and has suffered, but not reached a smashing bottom or a situation that would lead to making a full commentment to the programme as of yet.
Research in opiate abuse, in middle adulthood, has shed light between age at onset of addictive behaviour problems and decision making. The findings are demonstrating the measure of prospective memory or the range of neurological and cognitive deficits of long-term opiate use.
Mr. Smith is a 34 year old male who presented to the ED with feelings of dehydration, weakness, nausea, and suicidal ideation with a plan to stab himself with a knife. He denies prior attempts of harming himself. He reports currently not on any medications. Dr. Osborne requested a mental health assessment. Prior to mental health assessment this clinician spoke to Diann, the clinician who assessed Mr. Smith on 6/2/17. She reports he reported to her this morning, he was recently released from Rowan 2 days ago and since then has been homeless. He presented guarded and making conflicting statements about mental health history and substance abuse history. At the time of the assessment Mr. Smith appears guarded with a flat affect. He reports 2 days
There are many ways to go about treatment of Substance Use Disorders. One can start with medication, behavioral therapies, and help groups. Treatment can come in many shapes and forms. It all depends on how severe and willing the patient is to go along with the treatment. Patient X in this case is very willing to change because he states, “I want to feel like a human again. I want to stop being numb to everything in my life. I feel like I’m watching my life in a video in front of my eyes.”
Client experiences depression, and alcohol and drug use. His depression has increased significantly since moving to North Dakota from California. Client states he believes he has been feeling depressed since he was young. He states praying to God to take his life during the night. Client discussed having issues surrounding substance during his undergraduate degree. He's mandated to counseling for the use of marijuana. Client denies current marijuana use but states he does drink every weekend to the point of blackout. He reports he does not leave his house when he drinks, and he drinks alone often finishes a 1.75 of hard liquor. Client states the use is done to escape the life he has and to subdue the negative emotions. He reported abuse from
There are many individuals that are incarcerated that are part of a substance abuse program that provides treatments and different methods to help them overcome their addiction. There are often moments where these offenders have characteristics that affect the treatment all due to criminal thinking and criminal value (NCBI, 2005). Many times, these criminal justice clients resist treatment and deny that they have a substance abuse problem, which can create chronic problems for them if they do not seek rehabilitation (NCBI, 2005). Often, offenders usually will have psychosocial problems that can contribute to their substance abuse, which they have no control over after a period (NCBI, 2005). With these psychological issues, it can cause the individual to have a low self-esteem, depression, anxiety; and also enhanced expectations on the use of substances (NCBI, 2005).
ou question the good judgment of someone consuming both narcotics and marijuana for chronic pain correctly. Marijuana potentiates narcotic use which for the person struggling with a SUD, would make their addiction stronger (Seamon, M., Fass, J., Maniscalco-Feichtl, M., & Abu-Shraie, N. 2007). As a substance abuse counselor with a background in nursing I would want to know the nature of their chronic pain and if they have tried alternative and or holistic methods to approaching it. There is still a lot to be learned about pain and its very subjective experience, but one thing that the research has proven is that the neurotransmitter plays a role in pain (Doweiko, H. 2015). For this reason, a SSRI is often prescribed to those with chronic
It is crucial to understand the statistics in youth substance use involvement, to fully understand that this is a rising issue throughout the world. In 2013, an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or older; 9.4 percent of the population had used an illicit drug
This essay is based on a client Ibrahim (30 year old, male) who is currently living with his three siblings with their biological father and step mother. The client has a history of juvenile delinquency with outrageous behavior. Due the suspensions from the school, he has a low academic performance. Currently, he is jobless due to abusing drugs and low academic performance, which made him feel depressed. The purpose of the essay is to evaluate the clients’ problems with the help of consistency theory and understand the possible neurological underpinnings that may have occurred in his brain. Also recommend possible interventions that are most fitting for client.
When a client has a disorder, and goes to a therapist for help, would it make sense to help them using only one school of thought or many? In the past, and even some today, therapist were trained in one school of thought and so they only used techniques from that one school to treat their clients. Substance abuse does not just affect one category of people, and if we treat everyone as a 30 year old white upper class male/ female there are a lot of people we would be leaving out. Our country is rich in different cultures and ethnicities, with so many it is virtually impossible to treat them all with one set treatment method or technique. Some therapist realized a need for more diverse treatment methods and went on to get further training in other techniques, this led to what we now call eclectic and integrative psychotherapy. In these forms of therapy, the psychologist borrows from different approaches to therapy to better help a particular person.