
Substance Abuse: A Case Study

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Milestone Three: Rough Draft

Letetia Humphries

Southern New Hampshire University

Problem Statement According to Alternatives in Treatment: (Transitioning Back into Life after Rehab) as of 2010, approximately 8.9 percent of American teenagers and adults over age 12 were using illicit drugs. Some use more than one illegal substance or combine drug use with alcohol. This is most likely to occur in young adults under age 25, who have the highest rates of combined alcohol and drug abuse disorders. More than 23.5 million Americans — or one in 10 Americans over age 12 struggles with addiction to drugs or alcohol (Partnership at, 2014). The challenge for these individuals is being able to utilize their …show more content…

Research indicates that 53 percent of individuals who experience the disease of drug addiction also experience at least one mental illness (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2003). In considering this, one this could also take into account the relation to drug addiction/mental illness and the impact of both on decision-making. The mental health treatment should encompass coping and decision- making skills. Cognitive psychology and the classical decision making utility theory are applicable to the problem statement; in addition the research question at hand. According to Sternberg & Sternberg (2016), the examination of decision making in drug abusers identified a number of areas involved in risky …show more content…

(2014). Dysfunctions of decision-making and cognitive control as transdiagnostic mechanisms of mental disorders: advances, gaps, and needs in current research. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 2341-57,
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Sternberg R. J., Sternberg, K. (2016) Cognitive Psychology (7th ed) Cengage Learning Boston, MA
Van der Westhuizen, M. A. (2015). Relapse prevention for chemically addicted adolescents in recovery: So which model works?. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work, 12(4), 400- 411.
Verdejo-Garcia, A., Albein-Urios, N., Martinez-Gonzalez, J., Civit, E., Torre, R., & Lozano,

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