There are many substances that one as an adolescent can have an over accessible problem with. Alcohol and including drugs such as marijuana, lysergic acid Diethylamide LDS, Cocaine etc. can take a huge part of an adolescences neurodevelopment period. With the lack of knowledge these adolescents have with the affect that they can encounter. With resent research done demonstrating the abnormalities of the brain development caused by substance abuse. Abnormalities can be seen even in a small period in which the adolescent had consumption levels of 20 drinks in the period of a month from a 1-2-year range. When drug substance is consumed, such as marijuana anomalies are visible too; however, not to the same degree as alcohol consumption has. The most common substance used among adolescents are having a major effect on their brain development other drastic affects. …show more content…
The lack of knowledge adolescents obtains about substance abuse and the percentage of youth consuming alcohol or other substances it has become crucial that these kids understand the effect that these substances can have on their brain. With rates that have drastically increased between the ages of 12 and 18. 12 years of age is the youngest age, before reaching the teenage years, in which the youth consumes substances harmful to their body and brain. As well as the increase of 17% to 45% between grades 8th and 12th, and drug use from 8% to 22%. Furthermore, there is a 73% of youth who have comsummed alcohol and a total of 48% have used drugs, all before their senior year of high
Adolescent substance abuse is a phenomenon in our country that has been steadily inclining ever since the 2000’s. The effects of this incline are very straight forward and call for action. The facts are that alcohol and drugs are the leading causes of crime among youth and that alcohol and drugs are the leading factors in teenage suicide. (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc., 2014) Because adolescence is such a crucial developmental age the effects of alcohol and drug use are catastrophic. To fully understand this phenomenon we must firs operationalize all of the factors we are trying to study. The DSM V classifies substance abuse as,
Drug abuse is an increasing problem in our society, and specifically among teenagers. This increased affiliation with substances is very detrimental to teens. It causes an inability to focus, increases the chance that you will continue your drug abuse through your adulthood and it greatly damages the brain and many other organs. Our brains are developing when we are in our adolescence, which is why it is very important to discourage kids experimenting with drugs.
A teenager’s brain and body is still developing, which makes them more acceptable to the harmful effects of drug use. The early use of abuse
Adolescence, usually defined as individuals between the ages of 12 and 20, is a period of transition, brain development and challenges1, 2, 3. Adolescence is the peak time to engage in risk taking behaviors2. Substance use is a common occurrence among adolescents. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse has identified adolescent substance use as one of the United States’ top public health concerns4. In fact, an individual’s chance of becoming a cigarette smoker drastically declines if smoking is not initiated by the time the individual is 18 years old. Alcohol and Marijuana are the most commonly used substances among adolescents1,2,3. The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Study, the Center for Antisocial Drug Dependence, Monitoring the
As a counselor in training and an advocate for individuals’ mental health and wellness, I chose to become an official member of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and create an advocacy project to enhance adolescent mental health and wellness by advocating for more available protective factor to reduce substance use and abuse among this population. The purpose of this paper/project is to address and improve the rate of substance use and abuse among adolescents in Pitt County, more specifically in Greenville, North Carolina. This paper goes into great detail of the description of the population (adolescents), providing statistical evidence of adolescents’ use of drugs in Greenville. An increase in youth involved community activities, community service work and parental involvement will be discussed as ways to create a healthy, anti-drug, and stable environment for adolescents in Greenville, North Carolina.
The pre-mature prefrontal cortex of the adolescent to mid-20’s brain is not fully capable to perform its role, such as being responsible for assessing situation, control emotions and impulses, and making decisions. Moreover, the individual within the ages are typically tend to seek pleasure more and avoid pain. As the result, they are more prone to adapt substance abuse pattern and become more vulnerable to substance abuse. If the abuse pattern does not addressed and continuously develop, it can pose serious behavioral, physical, social issues, such as failure in occupational performance, impaired memory, impulsiveness behavior, lose motivation in healthy life style, organ failure, and mild to severe mental health problems. Not only interpersonal problems but also it can cause social crimes. Therefore, Adolescence substance abuse pattern must take in as serious matters and need to be addressed (Casey, Jones, & Hare, 2008; reviewed by Winters & Arria, 2011).
In an article written published in Clinic EEG Neuroscience in January 2009, The Influences of Substance Use on Adolescent Brain Development, much of the neurodevelopment occurs during adolescents. It is a unique and critical period of time in development. When adolescents use alcohol and marijuana research has shown abnormalities in the brain function levels. Studies were done suing neuropsychological assessment and structural and functional imaging to show the relationship between
The use of alcohol by teens is associated with many consequences and dangers. Not only does it decrease an individual's ability to pay attention but it can also alter the development of the teen brain; as it risks some part being 'smaller'.
Understanding the formative ramifications of medication and liquor manhandle is basic in handling this issue together for the strength of our group. Moderators will share ebb and flow investigate about the youngster mind and how substance manhandle for all time modifies neurological improvement for whatever is left of a high schooler's life. Support will bring about better-instructed guardians and group individuals with respect to the impacts youngster medication and liquor utilize. I also think that schools,NGO should conduct programmes which can raise awareness about drug usage among young teenagers so that they wont be a victim later
For several generations now drug abuse among teenagers and young adults has been a major problem in American society. To address the problem successfully in term of diminishing the amount of illegal drug use among this age demographic, we must first understand the patterns and trends over time in terms of what drugs teenagers use, how they obtain them and then use them, and what factors cause or influence them to engage in such activities. First we should define our terms and limits of discussion. “Drugs” here means not only substances that are illegal in themselves like marijuana and cocaine, but misused prescription medications as well as household substances not meant to be used as drugs such as glue and nutmeg. Doctors can actually sometimes prescribe drugs like cocaine, marijuana, and steroids for medical purposes but which are more often used illegally and harmfully. We are not going to consider alcohol even though perhaps it should be because it is a substance used to later mods and our mental states just like illegal drugs. Most of can recite the reason drug are bad for teenagers. Drug use can delay or even permanently damage adolescent brains that are still growing. Drug abuse can lead to poor life choices such as driving under their influence or engaging in criminal activity or just impairing teenagers ability to keep up with schoolwork. The reason we care about teenage drug use from the standpoint of developmental psychology has to do with the impact of drug use
According to current statistics released by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, “In the United States in 2011, there were an estimated 25.1 million adolescents aged 12 to 17. In the past year, more than one quarter of adolescents drank alcohol, approximately one fifth used an illicit drug, and almost one eighth smoked cigarettes” ("A Day in the Life of American Adolescents," 2013, para. 1). Substance abuse is major problem amongst adolescents. Some are experimenting, but some adolescents may become dependent on a particular substance. If one becomes dependent on a substance as an adolescent it could be detrimental to their future health and success as an adult. Spear (2003) stated in an article titled Alcohol’s
Alcoholism is classified as a chronic illness, an addiction that affects the physical condition of a person as well as the mental. With one in every twelve adults living with alcohol abuse, it is a possibility that the children of these people will grow up and follow their parents. In this pattern there is a never ending cycle of alcohol abuse and dependence that has resulted in alcohol being ranked as the third leading cause of behavior related deaths in America (Facts About Alcohol. 2015, July). There is a higher risk for teenagers who consume alcohol because their brains are not fully developed. The alcohol that they drink suppresses the brain and causes deterioration in memory and learning (Impact of alcohol on the developing brain. 2014). In this paper I will examine the source and reason behind teenage alcoholism and determine the effects the destructive drug of alcohol has on teenagers in different aspects of their lives.
Keeping up with the life of a typical adolescent is not as simple as it seems. Adolescents frequently get consumed with negative thoughts about the future which causes anxiety and prevents sleep. These are all signs that can lead one to a state called depression1. Once an adolescent is depressed, it is common for them to reach out to substances that numb their pain such as: alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana. These drugs can be extremely destructive when abused. Since these substances can easily be bought by young adolescents, it is becoming more common for youngsters to reach out to these dangerous substances. Alcohol being the most prevalent and the easiest to get places a lot of trouble on youths. According to past research, there is a direct correlation between depression and alcohol abuse among teenagers aged 13-18.
Around the nation, high schoolers are abusing drugs and alcohol that results in damage to both their body and environment. Drugs and alcohol has become more popular now then ever before. The use of drugs and alcohol amongst individuals, teenagers in particular, is one of the leading causes of death in young adults. By law, the legal age of twenty one is a mile stone in which an individual can consume alcohol. Not only are teenagers abusing the law, they are also abusing their bodies. An excessive amount of alcohol usage takes a toll on the body no matter the age. Teenagers who drink alcohol, may consume an excessive amount that can result in a greater risk for additional problems later in life. Drug usage is not only illegal, but also toxic
As stated In the article “should the drinking age be raised to 25” Narconon Drug Program numerous scientific studies displayed the effects of alcohol and drugs on teens. The article shows teens and adults who made statements, physical maturity and including