
Summary Of Rage Boy By Wajahat Ali

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Wajahat Ali’s opinions relate to the ideas about democratic political systems from Martin Lipset, through the concept of democracy requiring a supportive culture and acceptance by the citizenry to protect underlying freedom of speech, religion, and the right of opposition parties. According to Ali’s lecture, “President Donald Trump campaigned on a platform that instituted fear and hate amongst the Muslims living in the U.S. and abroad. The result, left millions of protesters to fight for individual equality and the fight against Islamophobia as a direct result of Trump’s dehumanizing travel ban against Muslims entering the United States” (Ali 2017). Ali stated that this was not only a ban on seven Middle Eastern countries, it was a ban targeting …show more content…

According to Ali, “the religious inequality in the U.S. is caused by ignorance, due to the fact that 60 -65% Americans do not know a Muslim. The only direct interaction they have had with Islam is through American media and pop culture. For instance, “Rage Boy” was a name given to create an image of the stereotypical radical Muslim, who has a long black beard, wears a robe, and throws his fist in the air screaming that the West has destroyed the image of Islam. Although the West has portrayed “Rage Boy” as the typical Muslim , many news outlets have interviewed Shakeel Ahmad Bhat, the man known as “Rage Boy” and have discovered that he is a friendly, shy individual, who speaks only for religious equality in America” (Ali 2017). Ali further discussed that the freedom of speech as provided in America, has an interesting way of working in today’s world. On the one hand it has a way of demonizing Muslims through war films and sitcoms, but on the other hand, it has a way of recognizing that Islam is not a threat and has only been depicted as such from right wing groups and white

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