
Summary Of The Columbia University MiracleStudy Flawed And Fraud

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In the chapter, “The Columbia University “Miracle” Study Flawed and Fraud”, author Bruce Flamm provides arguments that belittle a “miraculous” study conducted at Columbia University, claiming that the scientific method was inadequately used through fraud and deception. To start off, the author commences his article by referring to the incident of 09/11, a time where America was found in devastation and fear, leading its citizens to prayer. Soon enough, the nation was flooded with proclaimed faith-from banners and signs to congressmen and senators praying on the Capitol building in hopes for a miracle. Astoundingly, on October 01,2001, it was reported that prestigious researchers from Columbia University Medical Center had discovered what was known as the “miracle” study. Published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, the study, led by researchers Cha/Wirth/Lobo, demonstrated through scientific methods that infertile women who were prayed for by Christian prayer groups increased their likelihood of becoming pregnant than those who did not have people praying for them (Flamm 2004). Once the news reached the nation, millions were astonished with the remarkable results that the “prestigious” study brought. Although Columbia University claimed that “the study itself was carefully designed to eliminate bias” (Flamm, 2004, p. 255), many physicians were highly skeptical of the method used to achieve such results. The Cha/Wirth/Lobo study initially involved 219 infertility

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