
Summary: Unpaid Internship

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Final After working with multiple campaigns this summer, my personal and professional growth in the field of political science has increased significantly. The opportunities that have come to fruition through my time and commitment to these individuals running for political office have changed my outlook on the political process. It takes a lot of groundwork to efficiently connect with voters, even in a state that is perceived to vote in one direction. After researching multiple perspectives and salient points, it is clear that there is no substitute for the internship experience when it comes to first hand knowledge of any type of work. While reading "Unpaid Internships: Free Labor Or Valuable Learning Experience?." by Robert Tepper and Matthew Holt, it is clear that we share similar views on unpaid internships. The two authors ask the question whether or not it is ethical to have unpaid internships. They conclude that when an opportunity is available to provide a great educational experience, it is ethical (Holt and Tepper). Tepper and Holt’s statement resonates with me for a few reasons. Being able to gain knowledge of the work world, before placed in it, puts an individual at an advantage. One other main motivations for my work this summer was obtaining college …show more content…

He found that students are more likely to have a positive internship, if they approach the internship as not only an internship, but also a job (Beard and Morton 43). Beard also argues that if a student treats the internship like a real job, he should expect greater opportunity in the future. With that being said, if an intern is worried about not landing a job with the entity they are interning for, it is simple because they are not separating themselves from others. Also they could not be taking the internship serious enough. An employer of an intern expects them to show up to work treating the internship like a real job (Beard and Morton

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