
Super Bowl Essay

Satisfactory Essays

My favorite commercial I liked for the super bowl, was the one about a robbery and using a Prius. The guys robbed a bank and their get away car left them there. So they ran away and searched for a black car but instead found a red Prius and said "It'll have to do" and they took it. They left a full bag of money on the side of the rode for the owner of the Prius to take. They started getting chased by at least 5 cops in the beginning and almost lost them. They were drifting corners to try and lose the cops, and successfully did lose them. After they lost the cops they got stopped by a block aid that was waiting for them to come around the corner. The driver then put the car in reverse then did a 180 in the car to turn around. After that 2 rows of cop cars started coming towards him and he started to drive down the middle, the cops got out of his way and swerved to the right. Then after that a news helicopter showed them on the news and the announcer said "And the diver is driving a Prius." After that it started to show people with signs saying we love Prius and things like that. So the cops started to plan to have block aids around the state to try and stop them if the had the chance to. The driver fell asleep while he was driving and woke up to a beeping sound that was coming from the Prius. It was telling him to hit the brakes, which he did really …show more content…

They wanted to sell their Prius, and they tried to do that by the commercial, saying everything they wanted. The commercial was basically saying they it can escape cops, drive a long way, make quick turns, and basically anything you really wanted. I think they were successful with the commercial and they probably had a lot of people buy their car after that. It was a good commercial and a fantastic way to try and sell a car, but they could've tried to make it shorter then it

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